"There is a fundamental transition occurring now, a shift from mind to experience… Central to this is the realization that we are each part of the rich circuitry of the cosmic whole, participants in an unprecedented restorative process, with an active role to play."

by Bill Isaacs
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We are continuously surrounded by abundance. I had the pleasure this morning of picking some peaches off the trees in our yard. So far, we have collected hundreds, and there are many more. It has taken years for the fruit to come. We had nothing for a long while and then got a very modest crop a few years ago. Suddenly now the trees are full of fruit. I put them in some bowls on our kitchen table. They were luminous. How amazing it is to see and taste something so sweet and fresh and full of life. We have spent years pruning and staking and fertilizing these trees, looking after them, caring for them. There are several other kinds of trees in our yard. Some of them became pest infected and didn’t make it, and some have never born fruit. It has taken a great deal of care to get this far.

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"A plan to restore humanity to divine understanding has been underway for thousands of years, a return to a garden-like state of wonder and perfection. Now it is in our hands to awaken and lead the way back to this magical state."


Japanese Garden Washington Park - Portland Oregon

by Larry Krantz
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As you know from the news and from your own lives, we live in challenging times. We hear of trade wars and gang wars, of mass shootings and uncertainty. Disturbances come at us frequently, but behind the surface turbulence is a heavenly design. That is our grounding, spiritually speaking. Each day the sun rises and shines, even when hidden by clouds, and at night the stars come out. Life is meant to be joyous and full of wonder, our actions sacred and deeply meaningful. When we align ourselves with the stable spirit behind the turmoil, we know that all is well, eternally so, even when circumstances are difficult.

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"Substance is meant to be shared, interconnected with other substance and ultimately subsumed and woven into a larger overall vibrational pattern."

by Sanford Baran
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Preparing to speak in a spiritually charged forum can be daunting. As my turn draws nearer, I often find that my mind is in the dark as to what I should talk about.  The experience can be a bit intimidating, because starting with a blank slate can lead to the anxiety that nothing will be there—that this time around I’ll come up empty handed.  But of course, that hasn’t happened yet.  I’ve seen time and time again that what is needed does come to me and is abundantly available, reminding me to stay in position to let it be so.  Over the years I have increasingly come to know that spirit can absolutely be trusted.

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"It’s not that we shouldn't care [about the world], but that we should care so much that we live and act in ways that allow something altogether different to appear."

by John Gray
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We’ve all had many teachers in our lives. There were the professional teachers in our formal school years, and many, many more people who may not have been teachers per se, but from whom we’ve learned many things. And of course, we are taught a great deal through our own observations and experiences in life and from books and other media.

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"The difference between knowledge and partial knowledge can be the difference between life and death. How do we know that we know?"

by Volker Brendel
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As we went through our usual roll call, the thought occurred to me that everyone is needed. Nobody is here to be entertained, nobody is here to be participating casually. There is something very specific to be done, and I suspect Life itself put the right team together. It is always with great thanks in my heart hearing you and seeing you and admiring the team that has been put together. I think we often acknowledge that there is an intelligence in the universe that is far larger than our minds, and this intelligence is weaving a tapestry of immense beauty and great functionality. It is our privilege to participate consciously in this and with great confidence contribute into this larger whole and its purposes. Acknowledging that everyone is needed and is here for a purpose, I also feel that there is a continuity of our meditations, which is incredibly valuable.

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"Nothing changes until I act in alignment with the image and likeness of what I Am, until I bring my consciousness into that place."

by Kate Isaacs and Bill Isaacs
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Kate Isaacs: It’s a pleasure to be here today with you all. I would like to speak about the topic of creative fields for divine technology. I was really taken by Larry Krantz’s talk a couple of weeks ago about the state of our world and the many ecological problems that we face. I’ve spent my entire professional life working on environmental policy and technology issues in business. What came to me to speak about today was the possibilities and problems with technologies that human beings have brought into our world.

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"The world sorely needs spiritual leadership. We are here because we were meant to be, and we have a job to do."

by Larry Krantz
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Welcome everyone. As always, it’s good to be together. We may be far apart geographically yet know closeness with each other in a place that transcends the material world. Wherever we are, and whatever we face in our personal lives, we know that all is well. It is always so. All is well.

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"Today is Mother’s Day in many parts of the world. We let our understanding of that expand. Isn’t every day Mother’s Day?"

by Joyce Krantz, Pamela Gray & John Gray
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Joyce Krantz:  It is a joy to share this hour with John and Pamela on a day that is set aside in the U.S. and several other countries, to celebrate and honor mothers. With so many hearts open on this occasion, I thought it would be useful to focus on what honoring our mother means and why this desire is so fundamental to our being. 

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"Letting spirit move is our sacred responsibility, our primary reason for being here."

by Sanford Baran
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In this moment of stillness it is our greatest privilege to let Spirit move.  As it does, something absolutely marvelous and unspeakable happens—the spark of creation is brought to the fore, uplifting, blessing and bringing vitality, richness and wonder to all that it touches.  It is such a pleasure to let this be our own experience, allowing the power and magnificence of who we are to be known in everything that we do.

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"The challenge put before us is to transcend all these modulations, to be free to move from one bubble to the next, create some new ones, poke holes in some old ones, and move freely."

by Volker Brendel
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It occurred to me that life is quite repetitive. This is most evident in the springtime. We all look forward to that time. Here in Bloomington it’s been really the last week and a half that life forms have just burst forth abundantly. And so it is with many experiences: they tend to re-occur. Obviously, the seasons are related to our annual calendar, movement of the earth around the sun, and that physical constant in our experience has allowed us to see many things in terms of creative cycles; the cycles of vegetation being the obvious example in the springtime. But, in general, as with any endeavor, there is a creative cycle that starts with an element of truth, an idea, a thought; and if there is merit to the creative cycle, it fills with spirit: the idea fills out, we get confidence that this idea has merit, and the cycle then progresses into form, out of the realm of the mental and the spiritual. We create something in form, and a successful cycle comes to fruition, a harvest.

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