"One of you is the Messiah. This was told to members of a failing monastery and sparked them to enliven their character, with life-giving results."

by John Gray
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You may be familiar with the story, The Rabbi’s Gift.  It’s a fable said to be of unknown origin.  I was reminded of it recently and looked it up. The version I’m about to read is a synopsis drawn from the writings of M. Scott Peck:

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"We are here to bring order out of chaos, as an essential link in the divine machinery."

by Larry Krantz

A friend who knew I would be speaking this morning reminded me to have fun. That is good advice, which I pass along to all of you. The world is a mess—some say on the verge of destruction—and trying to do something about it is serious business. Yet, just being alive, in human form, is a miracle. We can see colors and taste food and have creative conversations and enjoy the glory of a sunset. We may be thankful for many things. And, that lightens the load and makes the heart merry. Life is to be enjoyed.

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"We know the Source of love as we resonate at the upper ranges of vibration and expression."

Coordinated Ants

Coordinated group function

by Anne Blaney and Sanford Baran

Anne Blaney:  Two weeks ago, John Gray spoke of the undimensional Presence which we call Source.  We also refer to Source as the Focus of Spirit, or the True Tone. This tone has been sounding eternally, but at this time on earth, it is sounding unheard by most human beings. Like sound which cannot be heard in an airless vacuum, human beings in their deafened state lack the essential medium necessary to hear the tone. This vacuum depicts the absence of mankind, isolated from spirit, separated from wholeness. Man, composed of both male and female, in his whole state, is designed to provide the connecting substance between spirit and form, and to express true spirit on earth. As John said, Man was created as the apex, to express the tone on earth and be the crowning presence. Man’s presence on earth is an extension of spirit, an expression of spirit whose nature is love. In reality, we would be conscious that we are love, living on the planet. That’s who we are—love.

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