“COME, said the Muse, sing me a song no poet yet has chanted, Sing me the Universal.”

by Sanford Baran

The following meditation was created as a soundscape, an audio essay comprised of recorded music interspersed with some spoken words. It was presented during our May 24th, 2019 Tone of Life teleconference. I invite you to listen and touch the power and magic of spirit as it reveals its universal nature through musical form.  I also invite you to sound that tone yourself, to sing the universal in all of your moments.

Listen to the soundscape   (It runs about 36 minutes)

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by Kate Isaacs and Bill Isaacs
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Kate Isaacs: Happy Mother’s Day to all of us who are mothers, who are daughters, who are grandmothers, who are aunts and sisters, and to all of the dads and grandfathers and uncles and brothers and sons who are connected with us.

It is a time of pressure and transition in the world, on this Mother’s Day, which has thrown me personally into a period of blankness and newness. I find that I don’t have much to say in the old ways on many things about which I used to have a lot to say. It is an uncomfortable feeling, and one that is not unfamiliar, having been through a number of transitions in my life. I want to say a few words today about transition, from a personal place, and since it is Mother’s Day, about what my children have taught me about transition. They are great teachers. And they are unrelenting teachers. They keep teaching you the lesson until you get it. 

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"Why are we moved by beauty, a song, by an act of kindness? It is because this is in essence and character who we are."

Photo by Nicola Pohl, Bloomington, Indiana, 2019

by Volker Brendel
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Louis Armstrong – What A Wonderful World (Original Spoken Intro Version)

Welcome everyone to this wonderful world! I very much appreciate that old favorite song, first performed many decades ago. On first impression, the song might seem to convey a very simple, maybe naïve message. But as we lift our eyes, we must agree that this is a wonderful world. This recognition is particularly easy in the springtime if you are in a nice setting; birds are singing, flowers are bursting forth, life is in full evidence.

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"Planet Earth is alive. It has Presence and that Presence has a body, a mind, and a feeling nature with all of the associated energies and substance."

by Chris Jorgensen and John Gray
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Chris Jorgensen: Greetings to everyone on this Easter morning. It is a delight for me to be a guest speaker with my friend John Gray on this celebratory day. Easter is a time of renewal and ascension.

We are living in a time of transition, moving from one state of awareness and experience into another state. Many individuals see the changes in their lives as making progress. This idea shows itself in different arenas. In school, one is making progress as you move from grade to grade towards graduation. There are times in a social sense that a person is making progress if they move to a better neighborhood and a different class of people. Something similar can be said of economics, science and technology. Even in the spiritual arena, people who undertake various workshops and seminars for self-improvement, tend to think of their spiritual training as making progress—I am becoming a better person!

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"These forced Time-outs may be seen as times of contemplation as well as entering a sacred space, a place of deep stillness."

by Suzanne Core and Larry Krantz
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Suzanne Core: It’s such fun to listen to everyone “sign in” during “rollcall,” to see who is on the teleconference this day. Well, what a galaxy of angels encircles the planet this morning, coming to focus right here right now, together in this sacred space. The word “angels” is not meant to be hyperbole. That is how I see you, and so many others around the world, each expressing the best of themselves for the good of their community, local or digital. Each rising to the occasion, doing their part, during a trying and dangerous time.

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"There is also, and most importantly, the need for respect for life, respect for truth. There is a larger picture to be seen."

Photo by madison lavern on Unsplash

by Volker Brendel
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Borrowing from a famous commercial years ago, I could say: “Hello new world!” We are obviously faced with a somewhat dramatic situation with the coronavirus pandemic. This is literally affecting everyone on earth, to some more tangibly at this time than to others, but nonetheless affecting anyone, everywhere. And all of this has developed at breathtaking speed. There are many factors to encompass; certainly, more factors than I personally can encompass on my own. So, we’ll spend the hour slightly differently from other times. I will open our consideration with some remarks to set a framework for our consideration, and then we’ll open it up earlier than usual for others to contribute in recognition that this situation requires many voices, many experiences, many insights; channeled, though, through a common framework of spiritual identity.

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“Among friends with a high degree of heart purity, the more we interact, the more we see one another’s true nature, true light, true colors, we are awed by the magnificence we encounter... Blessed are the pure in heart for they really do see God in the beauty all around, yes, but mostly in one another.”

by John Gray
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Greetings to everybody.  Wherever we are, it’s here—and it is good to be here!

I’ll begin today with a biblical verse well known to many: “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.”  [Matthew. 5:8] Ever since these words were spoken by Jesus, remembered, and later translated from Aramaic to Greek to English and eventually memorialized in the Bible, how many millions of earnest people have wondered about what they mean and prayed to know how it’s done? I don’t know about you, but I don’t hear of many people walking around claiming they see God, the figurehead of religious belief.  The usual idea is that whoever, whatever God is, is unknowable until possibly after we’re dead.  To me this simply means there may be very few living people with pure hearts.

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"It takes global and individual reflection to connect all the dots, to see how our spiritual approach to life needs to become earthly, practical, to result in a living experience that informs everything we’re doing."

Photo by Cristina Gottardi on Unsplash

by Volker Brendel
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It is time for reflection. It is good to make time for this, in fact necessary. However, reflection is an activity that is largely being ignored these days by most people. We might ask when we should engage in reflection, upon life in general or our own lives. Maybe when we approach the end of our lives? I think most people would do that if they had a chance to do a retrospective, putting their life experiences into a larger context.

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"New bursts of spiritual understanding, little quantum leaps of insights, are often called realizations. It is always exciting to see something with new eyes.”

by Larry Krantz
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When a person awakens spiritually, it may begin with the simple questioning of beliefs—religious, political, and others. Such views are often passed from generation to generation. Most families become upset if a child dares to think differently, or questions why they behave a certain way. Actually, almost all of humanity thinks and behaves in lockstep. While one faction may seem at odds with another faction, they are all variations of a theme, and large segments of the populace go along with one system or another, each sure theirs is the chosen path. It is groupthink. 

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"Everything we are aware of is in our own consciousness, right? There may be objective reality, but how do we know it? The nature and quality of our consciousness determines how the world looks to us... 'We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.'"


Courtesy of David Barnes

by John Gray
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Today is the first Sunday of 2020.  May this be a year of clear vision.

Light seeds germinate in the heart and then are recognized by the mind. Aha! An idea, an inspiration is born. Many people like to take credit for their intuitive insights and good ideas, as though creativity originates in the human mind.  However, one of the brighter minds of the 20th century, Albert Einstein, is said to have said, “When the solution is simple God is answering.” That may have been his way of acknowledging that something transcendent is at work in the process of creativity; I don’t know, and Albert isn’t around to ask. We’ll have to ask ourselves. 

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