"The same energy that is pushing forth leaves is activating new paths and ways of living through human minds and hearts."

by Pamela Gray, Sanford Baran, Joyce Krantz and Larry Krantz
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Pamela Gray: It’s a wondrous time to be alive on earth, isn’t it? There’s so much appreciation and love for friends, true friends who share spiritual purpose. Those who administer their daily responsibilities with love, upliftment, and blessing are the ones who can be counted on, no matter the circumstances. 

What a beautiful body of spiritual beings I see on the Zoom screen, along with those here who have met for a few days at the Krantz’s home. We’re connected to many others who are gathered in various spiritual groups as part of the divine mechanism at the Creator’s hand—all with this one purpose—to let love radiate.

 This Zoom meeting follows on the substance of the International Association of Attunement Practitioners (IAAP) gathering that Chris Jorgensen and others focused about an hour or so ago. It’s wonderful to consider the many that participate in multiple gatherings. It’s all one thing! 

Those of us in Fort Collins have gathered to consider things of spirit. We had no agenda. We breathed together, and we relaxed in the current of spirit. It was important to let spirit speak through us, to let a spring of fresh water come through us. We’re here to let the Lord build the house, by giving all to the current of spirit in a fresh way.

 You may remember John’s words two weeks ago: “We are responsible individually but only successful collectively.” I see this as the two great commandments: first, loving the Lord with all—that’s my responsibility, what I came on earth to do. Second, we’re only successful collectively when we love our neighbors, especially when we love the ones that share this beautiful spiritual connection and purpose. 

Joyce began one of our sessions by reading everyone’s name on the mailing list, which is a representation of something far larger, those who say, “I am here, part of a collective body now emerging.” 

With each name read, I held a current of love for that individual. I connected with each name and said it in my mind, connecting deeply. It might have been only three seconds for each name (not that time matters in attunement). With an open heart and mind, we bring that person into the radiance of love, and something may change. 

It reminds me of a piece of art in the room where Christina has been staying. It is a picture of two dancers moving as one, precisely, and with grace. They are shielded with umbrellas by people next to them, almost like angels surrounding them. We have divine angels that are looking after us as we dance the dance of life in coordination with one another, just giving in to the music. 

Back to attunement, I wanted to mention a current experience I’ve had of encompassing four different medical emergencies that happened simultaneously. I was pleased to do so. The start of the connection wasn’t just when the operations began, but when I received a photograph of someone I didn’t know and through that photograph there was the connection, right there, or through the name someone said on the phone. There was a connection ahead of time, so when the time came for these surgeries, I had a clear channel of connection. 

Our job is to let love radiate. I recall the story of the Centurion in the Bible. His servant was ill and the Centurion asked the Master if he would heal his sick servant, without coming to his home. All that was needed was to let a current flow, to speak the word. And so, our mission is to speak the word in every situation.

Sanford Baran: It’s been delightful to share these last couple of days together amongst friends. It’s wonderful to be home, exemplified by this perfect setting here at Chez Krantz, Larry and Joyce’s substance-filled abode. But of course, it’s good to be home in the larger sense.

To be home in that larger sense is to be in alignment with the Creator, dwelling in a place of calm, clarity and expansiveness. And we realize that being home is only just the starting point. Once home, we recognize that there’s something to do, work to be done, heavenly work that can only be undertaken by those who are aligned with the purposes of the Creator. Conversely if we’re not home, there is absolutely no way that we can fulfill our heavenly commission regardless of how much human effort we pour into it.

And the good news is, once we genuinely are home, a wealth of tools and capabilities which have always been available to us, can now be put to good use in service to the whole.  This opens up entire new avenues of amazing opportunities and possibilities.

We also can observe that individually and collectively we’ve imposed some very arbitrary limitations on ourselves in terms of the kinds of expression and experience we’ve deemed to be spiritually appropriate. From a place of home, we can allow such barriers in consciousness to dissolve, enabling spirit to flow unimpeded, letting it do its magic. How wonderful to begin to move from the stuck state of the human condition into something beyond imagination.

Take for example the capacity of mental expression. “Oh, we shouldn’t be using the mind, that’s counter to spiritual expression!” Well, that’s probably true if we’re not home. But what if we actually are home, operating from a place of calm, clarity and expansiveness? The mind then becomes an amazing, elegant, and quintessential instrument through which an aspect of the magic of creation puts in an appearance through human consciousness.

Speaking of the capacity of mental expression, I’m currently auditing a course here at the university in Boulder called Computational Neuroscience. It’s an exploration of how individual neurons work, incorporating fairly complex mathematical models that predict how neurons behave. I’m finding this class to be absolutely captivating, even though I’m challenged with some of the advanced mathematics. But understanding every last detail for me is not the point. If anything, I’ve developed an even greater sense of wonder and awe for the way life works, an immense appreciation for the genius of what the Creator has wrought.

Meanwhile, here at home, we recognize that our work together at this august juncture in time is rightly heavenly work. What exactly is that? How wonderful to be open to discovering what that is. My sensing is that part of this discovery process is allowing our understanding of the world around us to expand. Such understanding is rightly multidimensional, reflective of the richness, depth and nuanced nature of creation itself. I suspect that one side effect of this would be that the interactions and discourse amongst us would likewise expand and take us in uncharted and intriguing directions.

We have truly been blessed with so many gifts and capabilities. Let us use these to the benefit, well-being, and perfection of the whole. We do this collectively by pooling our various perspectives, approaches, and unique gifts into an integrated ethereal tapestry, welcoming diverse representation from many quarters.  

To me this is incredibly exciting. Could there possibly be a better time to be alive?

Joyce Krantz: I love Sanford’s expression and what he said about moving beyond the safety net of our ideas about each other, and the direction we’re going in. Life has its own guardrails in terms of the laws of life and how things can move creatively, yet it is a vast range, only limited by our narrow judgments and lack of understanding.

There is a phrase that comes to mind, “I am you and you are me.” A lot of people would say, “Well I’m not you!” But identified in spirit, which animates everything and everyone, we see the statement is true. From a perspective of I am You there is “leaning into” what another is expressing—listening more deeply. That is a much different approach than standing back criticizing and disregarding what another says. 

Curiosity leads to engagement with others. From the vantage point of being in the place of true identity, interested in the beauty and wonder of life, curiosity naturally moves us into levels of new exploration and discovery. How can we create together? Where can we commune together? If we don’t work together, the world suffers. The planet itself is waiting for us. What do we do with this gift? Do we provide what is needed to wisely care for our earthly home?

John Gray recently sent around a picture of the iconic, 150-year-old, banyan tree in Lahaina, Hawaii, that was charred in the recent devastating fires. Remarkably, there are already green leaves sprouting from the tree. The botanists think that about 75% of the tree is alive but it’s going to require help to cool the land so that the root system of the tree can absorb water. Tens of thousands of gallons already have been doused around its enormous base. The banyan tree is a symbol of hope for the people in the Hawaiian Islands, and shows how life endures. The same energy that is pushing forth leaves is activating new paths and ways of living through human minds and hearts. It is our ability to love and care for one another that can restore home again.  

A metaphor that came up yesterday was of a rocket going up into space. Each of us have had cycles where we’ve felt the intensity and the pressure of change. Something that had appeared steadfast, suddenly shifts. Do we resist change or go with it? Imagine a rocket with enough propulsion to launch it into space. It’s intense. Astronauts feel the g-force pressing in on them, it’s very uncomfortable; they may even think, “I might die;” yet they hold on. When they break through into space, all of a sudden everything is calm, completely still. They are beyond the gravitational pull of the earth, floating. They see an entirely new perspective of the earth and the darkness of space. Our role collectively is to hold steady through a time of transition for mankind; it is necessary if we are to move into a new state. No bailing out, no blaming one another, only abiding trust in life.

Larry Krantz: Our concern is to help the re-emergence of divine men and women; it is serious business. Our representative group has, over the course of a few days, considered many important subjects—but never with a sense of heaviness. Many areas were looked at, yet in an atmosphere of lightness and joy, often with laughter; we delighted in one another’s company, shared good food and wine, always thankful for the abundance of life. 

The human state is one of conflict, divisiveness, and chaos. The true state is a revelation of inner design, of oneness of purpose, and genuine friendship. Ignorance and coarseness are sustained by separation—red states or blue states, one religion versus another, and a host of conflicting views on social questions and climate change. As long as the heart and mind can be distracted and controlled by “what is out there,” the natural, innate flow of spirit is obscured. Many people, at one level or another, know there is something very wrong with the world, with the human state, but don’t know how to experience a heavenly state here and now.

It is not complicated. It starts with one’s own heart and mind, turning away from all the nonsense, the tragedies and arguments, and letting life lead from within. I do not suggest we deny what is going on in our lives, or in the world, but we go higher, not lower. It is pointless to try to re-shape the chaos. In right orientation, we can touch the heart and mind of God, and sense the vastness of spirit—a transcendent presence—which knows the way forward. Our human facilities are practically microscopic when compared to the hugeness of who we really are. Yet, we are designed to focus this vast understanding, which is the only way to bring about order and sanity; we make the infinite finite. 

When we are no longer pushed around by external forces, we are free to be our genuine selves. In our little gathering in Colorado, we have known love for each other and an abiding respect for one another. It is a wonderful experience and includes all of you, and many more. Change is coming. People are awakening, in many different ways. Let us celebrate them all; no need to judge the forms; we appreciate what is emerging, even if the shape of it seems odd at first glance. We are so much more than separate little entities fighting to survive in a hostile world. We are infinite beings expressing through human forms!

The internet connection went down for a few minutes and those gathered on Zoom waited patiently, and even began a creative conversation. Then, we continued….

Sorry about that. Here we are again, after some technical difficulty. Consider our sudden departure as a test! All passed with flying colors! We were still connected, even if not directly. 

Our purpose is to restore the earth to its rightful owner. We, who have some understanding of these things, have vital parts to play in letting that happen. The cosmos calls for the return of genuine men and women, those who exhibit great spiritual stature. The world of human nature may seem like a vast structure, an immoveable object, but it is only a thin layer, an overlay, and can be dealt with easily. When it dissolves, reality comes into view, the true state, the heavenly state—which is genuine and magnificent, and where we can be at ease, where we are at home. 

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