by Larry Krantz
Let us share a minute of silence to allow the collective waters to gather.
(After the silence)
In the world of human nature where there never seems to be enough time, it can be helpful to take a moment of stillness to remember that we have all the time in the world when we are centered in spirit.
Recently, Queen Elizabeth II passed. It is the end of one era and the beginning of a new one as her son Charles takes the throne for Great Britain and the Commonwealth. This monarchy provides a particular focus for about a third of the world’s population. Throughout history there have been many kings and queens and emperors and pharaohs. Some rulers have been benevolent and done a good job. Others, not so much—self-indulgent, a few even callous and cruel or simply not up to the job. So, in many countries, power has been taken away, leaving the rulers as figureheads, while others take on the business of running the nation. Nevertheless, the presence of an earthly king or queen is a reminder that our human family has a heavenly king and queen. To her credit, Queen Elizabeth revealed many divine qualities, including selfless service, steadfastness, and a noble, fine expression. That may remind us, and the world, of our own noble character and the virtue of selfless service. It is not surprising to see an outpouring of appreciation for Elizabeth’s life from around the world and a heartfelt sense of loss without her steady hand.
One cycle ends and a new cycle begins in Great Britain. Each of us is in the midst of innumerable cycles behind the scenes. Even when we are still, there is unseen movement. Right now, did you know you are flying through space at a thousand miles an hour? You are. That is the speed at which the earth revolves around its axis. Actually, we’re going even faster than that. Spaceship Earth moves around the sun in its orbit at about 67,000 miles an hour. What’s more, our solar system is bounding around the Milky Way on a circuit that will take 240 million years! I doubt any of us will be around to see it complete its cosmic loop.
Our earthly home is severely tilted. As it moves around the sun, one hemisphere receives quite a bit of direct sunlight and not so much in the other hemisphere. This creates extremes of temperature, summers and winters, and unstable, sometimes violent weather conditions. It was not always like that. Our planetary imbalance is indicative of humanity’s imbalanced state, absent the stability of divine control.
Once, there was only a small tilt to the earth, so conditions were mild. This was when divine men and women represented God on earth and had powers and abilities we can hardly imagine. These powers were misused and destructive when consciousness fell and had to be taken away, one of several downward steps from a state of oneness with the Creator, to one of forgetfulness and apparent separation. We can be thankful that those enhanced abilities are not available to us since even without them we manage to do enough killing of each other, as well as destroying the planet.
The true state cannot be comprehended until it becomes an experienced reality. I sometimes do a kind of thought experiment, imagining what it would be like to live in a two-dimensional world, which is flat; there would be shapes like triangles and rhomboids and the such. Someone from a two-dimensional place could hardly envision a three-dimensional world. If they were transported into one, they would suddenly have vertical height and volume. A rectangle could become a 40-story building, so it would be similar to what had been known but quite different. We can use that analogy to imagine what the divine state on earth would be like—similar but very different, when seen through the perspective of additional dimensions, a world free from hatred and fear, connected to the source of love and truth.
We are part of the body of humanity and in this restricted consciousness we see through the lens of a relatively low vibration. Looking through that cloudy filter, things have a certain appearance, which is not how they would appear from a higher vibratory framework. Individually, we can gain some altitude and see more clearly than others, access other ranges of substance, but no one is truly free until all are free. In the world as it is, everything beyond ourselves seems to be separate from us. We do not appear to be connected to a tree or another person or a distant star. But that is not the truth. We are one. Consciousness in the human condition is limited and constricted, when it should be unbounded. When someone speaks of sharing an attunement at a distance, or even with the Pacific Ocean, it sounds crazy and fantastic. But from a higher perspective, it makes sense, for we are truly connected to everything, not separate. Consciousness has no limits, except in the limited human state.
We see evidence of a heavenly design in the macro and micro. In the macro, consider our solar system which has our sun at the center; that sun enfolds a family of planets and other objects, including billions of asteroids. It exudes light and warmth and also radiates at levels not readily seen, and sends out solar winds, producing a vast solar sphere. The sun has a powerful gravitational pull. There is an outgoing force and a returning cycle. Is it not the same for us? When we are centered, we emit pure radiance into our worlds, and something comes back, attracted by that radiance. People have not been aware of this simple principle because their outgoing expression is so muddled that what comes back seems confusing and random, but it is not. As you express, so do you draw things to yourself.
In the world, there seems to be much to be afraid of—loss of one’s health or financial security or a place to live or potentially-hurtful relationships. Psychologists like to name fears, like claustrophobia—the fear of being in enclosed places. Now, there is talk of increased fear in our aging population called thanatophobia. It is dread or anxiety over one’s impending demise and comes from Thanatos, the Greek god of death. If a person only knows the outer, egoic self, what will be left when that is gone? It seems scary. Not so, if identity has risen to divine understanding. Then one knows that we have always been present and will continue to be present after the human form perishes—it is simply the beginning of a new cycle of creativity. No big deal. O death, where is thy sting? Let all fear dissolve that we may be at ease and release the natural radiance of love.
This week, we approach the autumnal equinox—a term that literally means equal night. In this temporary balance of day and night, we may be reminded of the way things once were, of balance and ease. It is a time where there is a thinning of the veil—the murkiness in consciousness that separates heavenly awareness and earthly experience. In this relaxed state, relatively speaking, the truth is more accessible. Perhaps that is a factor in why the Queen picked this time to leave, and why that great spiritual leader known as Uranda came to know the truth of himself at this time of year. It is a time of balance and alignment, and spiritual opportunity.
The true state is based on cooperation. This false world into which we were born is all about competition. We experience it in our early school days through sports and then into the business world and relationships and politics. Competition often leads to conflict and even war. It is based on the assumption of separation. Imagine if we were in a boat with many people at the oars, each trying to outdo the other, rowing in whatever direction they chose. It would be a mess. The boat would go nowhere. Oars would slap against one another and the rowers might blame each other for the lack of progress and argue about who is at fault. This is the human state.
It would be quite different if the rowers pulled in the same direction, in rhythm, each attuned to the one voice within. That would be cooperation. With oneness of purpose, there would be forward motion. Creative action lets something of value be accomplished and everyone feels fulfilled, each contributing to the whole.
Another example of the divine pattern is the human cell—the micro. Each of us have about 35 trillion of them. A cell has a nucleus surrounded by cytoplasm that contains organelles like mitochondria and proteins to accomplish the purpose of the cell, set by the direction of the nucleus. Each cell is unique and has a different task. The ones in the lungs exchange gases; those in the eye allow us to see. The DNA is the same in each cell but is translated differently. Likewise, each of us carries the same divine DNA, the essence of humankind, but have different roles to play. The cell has a nucleus, a positive expression of purpose. The cytoplasm is the means to accomplish that purpose. So, too, should the body of humanity have a center that focuses purpose. The rest of the body is differentiated into the necessary parts to accomplish what is needed by spirit.
Each of us carries the holographic identity of the whole, the essence of divine humanity. It is our birthright, our true nature. Taken together, we compose the form of God on earth and represent the Creator. The varied design of humankind should be able to do whatever is required for divine accomplishment. In the true state, our purpose would not be to look within, but to look outward, to express our human vibratory pattern into the cosmic whole, as one note in a vast symphony. We are radiant beings, both as individuals and as the whole of humanity.
For now, we need to heal, because humanity is broken. There needs to be change, a re-initiation of divine consciousness in human form. This is an interim step. A spark is needed to set in motion an awakening of the human organism. This can only occur when there is a nucleus of spiritually-clear, cooperating people, men and women in divine identity, providing a positive force to set a cycle of remembrance in motion, Over the millennia since consciousness fell, many have tried to remind humanity of purpose, including the prophets of old, but were mostly ignored. It was like shouting into the wind. No one listened. We may be running out of time, given that we have eight billion of us crowding the earth and the planet is dying. Some people imagine that God will come down and set everything to rights, as if we have no responsibility in the matter. But it is up to us.
A singular visionary—even a Buddha—can’t do it. It takes a living nucleus of fully-awake people, who are steadfast and unshakeable, who are one with their own divine identity. If your buttons can be pushed, causing you to blame or criticize, then you are still controlled by the things of this world and are unreliable. The Master was quoted as saying, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world you have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) So, it is possible to be completely free of the pull of the raucous outer world, while yet living. He had tribulation, a strict religious upbringing, political divisions in his country and family matters, but he came to a point where he revealed his true self always. He did not say he overcame the world to boast or to suggest that no one else needs to. No, he set an example. He opened a door, that we may do the same and be free. This can happen when we turn upwards and let the truth cleanse our subconscious minds and hearts and transform us.
He said further, “To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.” (Revelation 3:21) The throne is the place from which one rules. In divine awareness, we are each at the center of our world, the king or queen—so to speak—yet are responsive to the one King and Queen for all humanity. If we stand in that center place and hold fast, it matters not how hard the winds blow or what others do around us, what fears pass through our minds and hearts, how justified we may feel to blame another—it matters not, for such things no longer control us. We are steadfast in divine identity, secure in our sacred and holy purpose, in the face of circumstances exactly as they are, having overcome this fallen world.
Together, let us extend a divine spark of remembrance into humankind and form an unwavering collective, a nucleus of divine men and women, working cooperatively as one. After all, we are all employed by the same CEO—our King. Let us come to the point where the divisiveness and opinions of the world cannot distract us from our mission. We are privileged to have the understanding we have—many of us—decades of spiritual training. Life will draw us into useful configurations—whatever they may be, to each play our unique part in the days ahead, to fulfill our divine commission, which is the only reason to be alive in these crucial days.