Love One Another

"In angelic identity we don't need to try to love; we are love. We cannot help but love. In reality, loving one another is not a question; it's the answer."

by Christina Pivarnik and John Gray
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Christina Pivarnik: It’s always such a pleasure to greet one another in the spirit of love for the One Most High. I look around at all your radiant faces and know that we’ve come together to share the fine substance of spiritual expression with one another as friends. What a joy! We are friends because of the agreement we share in spirit. So simple. Friendship in this sense is rich in substance and that’s something I think we each appreciate deeply. 

I also want to wish a Happy Thanksgiving to our friends in Canada and to note that tomorrow is Indigenous Peoples’ Day in the US.

As you know, two weeks ago, the Tone of Life coordinating team gathered for a few days at the home of Larry and Joyce Krantz in Fort Collins, Colorado. One of the many things we considered together is our Tone of Life website— I’d like to take a few moments to shine some light on this wonderful tool we have and perhaps to remind you of some of the things it offers to us all.

For many years now, Sanford Baran has managed the site, keeping it up to date with current transcripts and downloads, along with adding a photo and quote from each gathering. He’s done an awesome job with it, in addition of course, to the beautiful music he selects and plays for us for each gathering. This morning’s music was perfect! Sanford, on behalf of all of us, I’d like to say how deeply we appreciate all that you’ve been doing for us over the years. Thank you! Happily, Suzanne Core has graciously offered to assist Sanford with the website so the work will be distributed more equally. Thank you, Suzanne, for your assistance.

Originally, one idea for the website was to attract a wider audience than those of us with EDL training, but it seems these days it’s the people on our mailing list who use it the most. It’s good to note, however, if we meet someone who catches the spark of what we’re about, we can invite them to for more information. 

After every gathering we have, an audio and video download is shared on the site, usually within a half hour of its conclusion, and stays up until the next gathering two weeks later. This makes it easy for those who couldn’t participate with us in person, so they can watch or listen to what was shared. Sometimes I find myself thinking about a comment someone said, maybe it stayed with me for a while and I’m pondering it, so I’d like to hear exactly what was said. I’ll go to the website to listen to it again. What a provision this is for all of us!

There’s a Schedule tab so that you can reference who will be speaking in the coming weeks as well as a tab called In Your Words. Here, you are welcome to make comments. I’d like to think many of you will go to the site periodically to read them. Certainly a conversation can continue there, should you wish. 

So, here are a few thoughts about our website and the substance it contains. We invite and encourage you to use it and if you have ideas for something else to include, please let Sanford or Suzanne know.

It all comes back to this great love we have for one another, doesn’t it—in our mutual love for our Creator. We are each an expression of life and as such we generate this precious, fine substance of spirit, invisible yet so tangible. We provide an atmosphere of encompassment into our worlds and to those whom we touch every day. 

Have you noticed that when a kind word or gesture is offered into a situation, how it just lightens the atmosphere for everyone in or around that circumstance? Love abounds in small acts of kindness. It’s worth noting that small actions done in the spirit of love, or considerate, complimentary words, generate a fine, heavenly substance. What could be more simple and easy to do in our lives than this?

Kahlil Gibran once said, “Truth is a deep kindness that teaches us to be content in our everyday life and share with the people the same happiness.” So true—happiness and kindness are qualities of living every day with clarity in our purpose to let love radiate, to serve our Creator.

I want to share an experience I had when I was at the feed store the other day. One of the employees was running all around the warehouse trying to find the specific brand of feed I use for my horse. The computer said it was in stock, but it was nowhere to be found. As you may or may not know, you can’t just swap out one kind of feed for another for horses, without risk of their getting sick. The same is true for dogs. Many of you probably know this with your own animals. So, staying with the same feed, or changing it only very gradually, is an important part of animal care.

Of course, I’d come into the store later than I should have. I was down to the bottom of my feed bin and I had a packed day with work deadlines ahead of me. It wasn’t even a matter of procrastination, just a super busy schedule. But regardless, it was not the responsible thing to do on my part to leave it to the last minute. 

As I pondered what to do next, one of the employees said he had to run an errand to their sister store that afternoon, which is about 45 minutes away, and he’d be happy to bring me back a bag that I could pick up before dinner. Oh my gosh! Problem solved for my horse—and for me. What a sweet, kind gesture from this person. He had my back when I needed some assistance and I was deeply appreciative, as you can imagine. 

In a sense, we’re here to all have one another’s backs, to be present, to offer support and assistance wherever possible. This is part of loving one another, even with so-called strangers. Here’s love in action, from someone I only knew in passing, and yet the kindness and the substance of caring were immediate. 

We’re present and on hand to consistently extend this invitation to each person we come in contact with, throughout our days, and to acknowledge it. In this case, I thankfully honor this helpful person who showed up with kindness and assistance when it was needed most.

We gather together at times like this to share the Tone of Life, with a clear focus to generate and build heavenly substance as a collective. We’re here to bless and encompass not only the lives of all who are participating consciously with us, but to offer a global encompassment as well, including the employee at the feed store! We gather in this sacred space to let the radiance of being and divine love bring balance and clarity as we each give voice to spirit. We are here to bless the world and those who dwell therein. 

We are bright lights, shining, sparkling, and glowing across the planet, joined by many others sharing the same work, the same mission. We can accomplish so much more spiritually, as a collective, than we can individually. Our connection with one another runs deep; it’s precious because we love one another and treasure the spiritual qualities of each one. We spark a memory together of our divine heritage. How blessed we are to know this, to know this rich, abiding love together because we love the One Most High.

John Gray: What sweet, light-filled words you’ve offered, Christina. How contrasting a view from above is! As we see all around, the whole manmade world is at war. The latest hot spots of external conflict dominate the news media, but a state of war is pervasive just about everywhere. Physically, culturally, politically, socially—in every way—humanity is embattled, inside and out. Countless people say they want peace, but that won’t happen until and unless human hearts are at peace. Let not our hearts be troubled, no matter how circumstances appear.

The body of God on earth is formed; it is not forming. The elect are gathered, though many don’t yet know it. As a whole entity, the body is not on its feet and in action. A select portion—a self-selected portion by reason of response and openness to indwelling being—is becoming increasingly conscious of itself and our divine nature, our true identity. A vital thing to note here is that this awakening to the stirring spirit is not occurring merely individually. The initial awareness of it may seem personal, because, after all, it happens in our own consciousness, but as the process continues, vision increases and we discover it is taking place everywhere. Metaphorically, as actually, when the sun rises the whole world is filled with light.

If individual enlightenment is knowing personal angelic identity, then the collective is knowing archangelic identity. These necessarily go together. We only truly know ourselves in the context of the vastness of being. In his poem, “Transcendence,” Alan Fisher states, “The life that’s in you in is in me too.” There is only one life. We each have our own experiences of it, but it’s all one thing: one source, one life, one body. We know these things, right?

“I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made….” (Psalm 139:14) We know the truth of that little quote from Psalms in our very bones. The myriad components of an individual human body—each cell, gland, organ, system—are all intimately connected and functionally synchronized for a singular purpose, but each part has its own nature and specialized function. So likewise on the mass scale. A small part of the whole is self-conscious—conscious of the Eminent One, the Self incarnate—but all parts are bathed in and thus coordinated by this conscious presence. 

I’ve mentioned before that the ancient Greek word Parousia denotes the evidence of the presence of the Eminent One. For humanity as a whole, the Eminent One is the archangel in whose Presence we each and all live and serve.

Why does it seem difficult for people to wake up to the truth of themselves? “Other things matter more” is one catchall way to answer the question, but no matter how long a list of reasons we might make, all relate to the state of the heart. An impure heart keeps the circuitry between the divine and humankind largely disconnected—only functional enough to keep bodies alive for a few years. Impurity of heart acts as resistance to the flow of the current of spirit. Just like in electrical theory, the less resistance, the greater the current. German physicist Georg Ohm formulated this relationship almost 200 years ago. Ohm found that “there is a direct proportionality between the potential difference (voltage) applied across a conductor and the resultant electric current.” My engineering school days were a long time ago, but it has stayed with me that it’s always true that the way real things actually work in tangible form gives evidence of an invisible design back of it. 

Christina spoke of friendship and love for one another. What does “love one another” really look like? Of course, the answer depends on who’s looking. If we examine the phrase as mere humans, then loving one another may seem a nice idea but it’s just about impossible to do. In that identity we may love family members and even try to expand that circle more broadly, but pretty soon we meet people we don’t even like, let alone love. In angelic identity we don’t need to try to love; we are love. We cannot help but love. In reality, loving one another is not a question; it’s the answer.

“If I love myself, I love you. If I love you, I love myself.” This quote from a poem by Rumi may make no sense to many, but it’s obviously true to those who live in love. Except in some out-there theory, oneness is incomprehensible to the stubborn and ego-centric human mind. But rise above that level and we know it’s just the way things naturally are.

Thanks to Wikipedia, I can tell you that in a full symphony orchestra of a hundred or more musicians, between twenty and thirty are violinists. Say a few call in sick for a given performance; wouldn’t the other violinists cover for them and the musical piece still be produced? Of course. Maybe the conductor would know the difference, but probably few others would even notice. Metaphorically, we, together with more than enough others, form a great orchestra, sounding the musical tones of life within the body of humanity. We are here, giving the performances of our lifetimes, playing our instruments to the fullest of our abilities and skills. If ever we or some of our colleagues go temporarily off the job for some reason, the rest of us step up and cover for them. The music goes on uninterrupted. 

In angelic consciousness nothing divisive or off-tone can last in us. It either harmonizes or is quickly drowned out and expelled. The radiation of spirit in expression does this work of purification. Human judgments of what’s good and bad are not only wrong and irrelevant but destructive. Only spiritual expression purifies the heart and restores the divine circuitry to functionality. We call the conducting medium, pneumaplasm—“spirit substance.” Impurities of heart are distortions in pneumaplasm. Clearing pneumaplasmic distortions purifies the heart realm, and that is accomplished only by the radiation of love. As attunement servers say, “Let the radiation do the work.”

We are responsible individually but only successful collectively. The collective success of our divine and cosmic mission depends on the purification of our hearts and, ultimately, the clarification of the pneumaplasmic pattern of humanity. We’re not there yet, but I sense we are awfully close. Let us never doubt or underestimate the power of spiritual expression.

It is natural and necessary that we always assume a truly generous and loving attitude toward our colleagues in this work of spiritual regeneration. Let’s never allow any divisive energy to sneak in and take control, within us or among us. Let’s remain easily steadfast in what we know to be true. At times, playing our parts may have seemed a big job, but you know that’s a lie. Being ourselves is the easiest thing on earth!

Following Comments…

Christina Pivarnik: I appreciate everyone’s comments. It’s always lovely to hear the Voice of the Body, to hear each one speak from the substance of their own experience. As John mentioned, and we know this to be so true, never underestimate the power of spiritual expression. In that, the light is as bright as it can be. That certainly is our job here on earth—to let that light shine and let love radiate. It’s been a joy to share this hour with John and all of you.

John Gray: In a gathering like this, we feel the current amplified considerably, and we know why. One possible additional reason for this is that whatever specific resistances I might have in my heart to the flow of spirit, maybe you don’t have. Thus, the current finds an unimpeded way through the collective when it may not come fully through any one individual. There is something here to ponder and understand about the way the Body of Love works. 

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