“Creator beings are forever friends. Realizing our own spiritual identity, we truly recognize one another."

by Pamela Gray, Allan Jonas, Christine Jonas & PenDell Pittman
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Pamela Gray: Allan and Christine Jonas, PenDell Pittman and I have been meeting regularly via Zoom for about two years now. Whatever is currently in the forefront of our encompassment we bring to the table of our shared spiritual space. We discuss whatever it is and release it into the greater cycle at work. Today it is our great pleasure to offer the substance of our connection to you and with you.

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“...whatsoever things are true... honest... just... pure... lovely... of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” (Phil 4:8)

by Maureen Lakin, Pamela Gray and John Gray
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Maureen Lakin: Namaste! Along with this Sanskrit greeting of deep respect, it is an honor to be with you all today and to be here with John and Pamela.

As you are probably aware, in the past six weeks, the states of Florida, Georgia and North Carolina have been dealing with the aftermath of two horrific hurricanes. The first hurricane, named Helene, shot into North Carolina causing monumental loss and destruction, particularly for residents of communities in the Appalachian Mountains. This hurricane also took the lives of hundreds of people. Its path was very interesting because it struck Florida and continued heading northward toward Atlanta, but then circled around the greater Atlanta area, bypassing it altogether, and coming down in North Carolina about 10 miles up the road from where I live. 

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"...the body of God on earth is not in the process of forming, it is. It is becoming Self-aware because the One whose body it is, is being received into the body's consciousness.”

by Pamela Gray and John Gray
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Pamela Gray: Like the murmuration of birds we just watched via video, we gather today in a consciousness of playing our individual parts in one whole, right now in this moment. I am so thankful for the spiritual intelligence of those who participate in these gatherings. This is not an arena of speakers on the one side and listeners who are here to be enlightened on the other. The opportunity for us all is to participate in a combined flow of creative expression, both with the words expressed and with all that’s back of the words that springs from our states of heart, mind, and experience. 

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"The same energy that is pushing forth leaves is activating new paths and ways of living through human minds and hearts."

by Pamela Gray, Sanford Baran, Joyce Krantz and Larry Krantz
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Pamela Gray: It’s a wondrous time to be alive on earth, isn’t it? There’s so much appreciation and love for friends, true friends who share spiritual purpose. Those who administer their daily responsibilities with love, upliftment, and blessing are the ones who can be counted on, no matter the circumstances. 

What a beautiful body of spiritual beings I see on the Zoom screen, along with those here who have met for a few days at the Krantz’s home. We’re connected to many others who are gathered in various spiritual groups as part of the divine mechanism at the Creator’s hand—all with this one purpose—to let love radiate.

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"I find there's almost always a window into the minds of children and young adults that's open to illumination."

by Christina Pivarnik, Pamela Gray and Steve Ventola
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Christina Pivarnik: It’s always a pleasure to be together. Yesterday was Earth Day, a time set apart to celebrate and take care of this beautiful planet where we live. Almost 200 countries participated in various activities. Launched in 1970, it’s considered the largest secular observance in the world with around a billion people participating, all with a focus on the earth. Think of that—a billion people, all focusing on nurturing and taking care of the earth. I find that very significant. In addition, national parks and many state parks offered a day without fees.

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"It's not an ordinary time, Not an ordinary time at all. It's a time for heroes..."

By Pamela Gray, Bill Bahan, Linda Bahan, John Gray
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Pamela Gray:It is wonderful to be together on this auspicious New Year 2023. Last night and today, around the world, wishes of good health and good luck have been toasted with hopes of a year of peace and prosperity, but for many people it’s clouded with uncertainty. Well, how great to gather today and sound a different tone! A tone of assurance and trust. I asked Chris Foster if I could read a poem of his that speaks to the current world situation, but more importantly, it speaks to our responsibility to shine the light of assurance and trust. I invite you, as I’m reading the poem, to join in a vibration of love throughout the world.

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"The true climate for garden earth necessarily begins as an internal state of heart and mind... Our role is to walk in this garden-world in the cool of the day, understanding that what we sense from the natural world is actually a welcome. It awaits us."

Courtesy - Riverside CA Press-Enterprise

by Pamela Gray and John Gray
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Pamela Gray: Two weeks ago, we shared an exquisite hour with Christina and Sanford honoring the majestic kingdom of animals. We appreciate that one spirit is present in all forms of creation. The kingdoms of the earth naturally give glory to their creator; they proudly display their unique beauty and fulfill the purposes for which they were created. They instinctively rise to loving human touch, whether it’s in person or vibrationally, as in a gathering like ours now. Whatever our topic of consideration, we extend care and stewardship. This is what provides balance for our planet: the healing power of love and unity.

 In appreciation for the majesty of nature I would like share images my lens has captured of their gifts, so freely given. Let’s relax with these photos accompanied by music and lyrics by Libera.  I invite us all to welcome this opportunity for radiation to the earth and all its forms of life.

Slideshow by Pamela Gray, accompanied by “I Am the Day” by Libera ]

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"What's right is the starting point, what's wrong is beside the point."

by Pamela Gray and John Gray
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Pamela Gray: Two weeks ago, we spent a magical hour in the language of music, appreciating the interplay of harmony and dissonance, and correlating it with what is occurring in the world today. Sanford began with a purpose statement: We are here to create the world. I would like to continue in that current of thought. I’m always aware when we gather like this of the potency of radiance our collective presence brings. And each of our lives are full of creative responsibilities and interests. One of mine is youth—children and young adults in the world. I extend a radiant embrace of connection into this arena through my work in the public school system and through my own interest in what they’re doing in the world because of their presence and their calling.

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