"Let the old state pass away that the resonant, divine state may appear. We are creators, and we know how to create together. That is the way of love, which draws everything into oneness. "

by Larry Krantz
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It is vital that we learn to work together creatively. We live in unprecedented times, as evidenced by a population of over seven-and-a-half billion people on the planet, which has never happened before, nor has the impact all these people are having on our planet and the environment. Add to that the coronavirus, which affects everyone, and the recent social and political upheavals, including violence at the U.S. Capitol and a change of American presidents set to take place in a few days. Perhaps these disturbances give indication of the tide going out on human nature. But that alone does not accomplish what is needed. There must be an incoming tide of spiritual awareness, a new state to replace the old state. In this, we have a particular responsibility.

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"If we are attuned to the fineness of spirit, we know when something does not feel right. By releasing ill patterns, we lift up to higher ground, those bonds no longer holding us captive."

Nemonte Nenquimo

by Larry Krantz
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Here are words from a letter written by an indigenous woman who lives in the Amazon basin. She is not well-educated or sophisticated, so many people dismiss what she says out of hand. I find this letter, which was later published in the Guardian, rings true. Here are her words: 

Dear presidents of the nine Amazonian countries and to all world leaders that share responsibility for the plundering of our rainforest.

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"Grace, and graceful living, is no accident but the result of moving with the rhythms of Being, and of listening within. It is not a haphazard thing, but the result of right living."

by Larry Krantz
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The world is a messy and chaotic place, especially these days. There is an intensification happening which may prove destructive unless there is a rising up of spiritual consciousness to meet it and extend control, and we have an important part to play in letting this outworking be creative. People often favor quantity rather than quality oflife experience. They want more but have less. This notion is well-expressed by Dr. Bob Moorehead of Seattle (from Words Aptly Spoken, 1995). He says:

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"The cosmos is like a hologram, so the secrets of the universe are close at hand, and there is no need to poke through moon rocks to try to solve the mysteries of the universe. We need look no further than our own human forms, made in the image of God; they align with universal principles and reveal how the cosmos functions."

by Aaron Malin, Suzanne Core and Larry Krantz
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Aaron Malin: Well hello everyone. Larry approached me a few months ago about presenting with him on Father’s Day. This is a pretty special day for me personally but also for many men around the world. This is the day that we honor fatherhood in all its forms and for those of you who may not have children, you may also express the qualities of fatherhood. Mentorship is something that is very powerful in my life and is one aspect of fatherhood. This morning I want to share a bit of my journey as a father. I was born in 1971 in British Columbia, Canada. My parents were a part of a spiritual community that had a center in the Kamloops area. From there my family moved to a small family farm in Wisconsin that was also affiliated with the same spiritual community.

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"These forced Time-outs may be seen as times of contemplation as well as entering a sacred space, a place of deep stillness."

by Suzanne Core and Larry Krantz
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Suzanne Core: It’s such fun to listen to everyone “sign in” during “rollcall,” to see who is on the teleconference this day. Well, what a galaxy of angels encircles the planet this morning, coming to focus right here right now, together in this sacred space. The word “angels” is not meant to be hyperbole. That is how I see you, and so many others around the world, each expressing the best of themselves for the good of their community, local or digital. Each rising to the occasion, doing their part, during a trying and dangerous time.

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"New bursts of spiritual understanding, little quantum leaps of insights, are often called realizations. It is always exciting to see something with new eyes.”

by Larry Krantz
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When a person awakens spiritually, it may begin with the simple questioning of beliefs—religious, political, and others. Such views are often passed from generation to generation. Most families become upset if a child dares to think differently, or questions why they behave a certain way. Actually, almost all of humanity thinks and behaves in lockstep. While one faction may seem at odds with another faction, they are all variations of a theme, and large segments of the populace go along with one system or another, each sure theirs is the chosen path. It is groupthink. 

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"Divine memory carries with it wisdom and an understanding that surpasses any human philosophy."

by Joyce Krantz and Larry Krantz
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Joyce Krantz: The act of breathing comes to mind as we gather today—an in-breath of spirit has drawn us all together in this moment to provide a focus for the nature and purpose of Being. And the outbreath of spirit expands the truth moving through our consciousness for blessing to the whole.

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"A plan to restore humanity to divine understanding has been underway for thousands of years, a return to a garden-like state of wonder and perfection. Now it is in our hands to awaken and lead the way back to this magical state."


Japanese Garden Washington Park - Portland Oregon

by Larry Krantz
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As you know from the news and from your own lives, we live in challenging times. We hear of trade wars and gang wars, of mass shootings and uncertainty. Disturbances come at us frequently, but behind the surface turbulence is a heavenly design. That is our grounding, spiritually speaking. Each day the sun rises and shines, even when hidden by clouds, and at night the stars come out. Life is meant to be joyous and full of wonder, our actions sacred and deeply meaningful. When we align ourselves with the stable spirit behind the turmoil, we know that all is well, eternally so, even when circumstances are difficult.

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"The world sorely needs spiritual leadership. We are here because we were meant to be, and we have a job to do."

by Larry Krantz
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Welcome everyone. As always, it’s good to be together. We may be far apart geographically yet know closeness with each other in a place that transcends the material world. Wherever we are, and whatever we face in our personal lives, we know that all is well. It is always so. All is well.

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"We are here to bring order out of chaos, as an essential link in the divine machinery."

by Larry Krantz

A friend who knew I would be speaking this morning reminded me to have fun. That is good advice, which I pass along to all of you. The world is a mess—some say on the verge of destruction—and trying to do something about it is serious business. Yet, just being alive, in human form, is a miracle. We can see colors and taste food and have creative conversations and enjoy the glory of a sunset. We may be thankful for many things. And, that lightens the load and makes the heart merry. Life is to be enjoyed.

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