"Clear spiritual expression is very powerful. The tone of life must be heard by some for there to be a starting point."

by Sanford Baran, John Gray, Linda Bahan, Bill Bahan, Larry Krantz
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Sanford Baran: Good morning, everyone. Nine of us have been gathering for our Tone of Life coordinators’ weekend here in the desert at Larry and Joyce’s home in beautiful Oro Valley, Arizona. Our gathering began on Friday evening and we’ve been engaged in some interesting and substantial discussions, enjoying lovely meals together and appreciating each other’s company. I thought you might enjoy a few photographs that capture the flavor and spirit of the rich and substantial time we’ve been sharing together.  Watch the photo slide show  

So, without further ado I’ll hand it over to John.

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"With new vision, old behaviors and errant views no longer fit. It is exciting to rise up and expand our understanding."

By Larry Krantz
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Like most of us, I do things to exercise my brain and body: crosswords and puzzles, as well as cycling and swimming. Also, I play golf with a group of men, which is socially useful. I’ve been instructed how to hold my hands on the golf club and shift my weight and a dozen checkpoints on a swing that takes less than two seconds. With so many conflicting thoughts it is not surprising I often don’t know where the golf ball will go!

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" We are designed to feel the currents of love, which is the nature of God. Attraction leads to response and then to union and unified radiation."

by Larry and Joyce Krantz
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Larry Krantz: For today’s meditation, Joyce and I would like to consider male and female energies. This is a sacred area that has been brought low and made coarse in human affairs. To consider this with clarity of vision, we need to carry a sense of sacredness and care, to see from a high vantage point.

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"In this unity of heaven and earth—the action of being incorporated—is the essence and origin of true agreement."

by Sanford Baran and Larry Krantz
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Sanford Baran: Do you ever hear the voice of spirit? I do.

Indeed, spirit does speak to us—a lot! It’s heard as there is sufficient attentiveness and substance to be aware of it, and intentionality is critical. The voice of spirit can be easily drowned out by mental chatter, stuff rattling around in consciousness, which can muffle and obscure our connection to this profound reality that speaks to us all the time. 

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"When a high quality of character is present, including selflessness and attunement with what is above, then a spark of understanding lights the mind and heart."

by Christina Pivarnik and Larry Krantz
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Christina Pivarnik: It is always a joy to gather together in our true purpose, to bring forth radiance and love as a collective. Over the past few years, we’ve been participating in dialogues every other time we gather. During these times we’ve shared our hearts and the experiences of our daily lives to honor our deepest love for our Creator. There’s a fresh spirit of family that’s arisen among us—a new depth of love, laughter and lightness, welcoming all who gather to participate in this precious work we’ve come on earth to do. As a result, we’ve gotten to know one another better in our spiritual journeys together and the work we’re each doing to fulfill our spiritual mission. Such a gift!  

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"The same energy that is pushing forth leaves is activating new paths and ways of living through human minds and hearts."

by Pamela Gray, Sanford Baran, Joyce Krantz and Larry Krantz
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Pamela Gray: It’s a wondrous time to be alive on earth, isn’t it? There’s so much appreciation and love for friends, true friends who share spiritual purpose. Those who administer their daily responsibilities with love, upliftment, and blessing are the ones who can be counted on, no matter the circumstances. 

What a beautiful body of spiritual beings I see on the Zoom screen, along with those here who have met for a few days at the Krantz’s home. We’re connected to many others who are gathered in various spiritual groups as part of the divine mechanism at the Creator’s hand—all with this one purpose—to let love radiate.

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"Shangri-La is a beautiful depiction of the true state of man on earth where the sweet essences of heaven are present by reason of those who dwell there."

by Linda Bahan, Bill Bahan & Larry Krantz
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Linda Bahan: Recently Bill and I watched one of our favorite movies, Lost Horizon. Perhaps you have seen it, maybe many years ago. To set the stage for our consideration, I am going to read a synopsis of the movie based on the original 1937 version directed by Frank Capra.

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"There is more than enough stumbling around in confusion, guessing and believing all sorts of foolishness. Let us stand upright and live in authority."

by Larry Krantz
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We come together today to present ourselves before the Most High in this holy setting, and to let clarification come in our life expression. As more light shines through us, there is more light in the world.

Recently we considered the opening words from the 24th Psalm: The earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof. This speaks of ownership. To bring it down to cases, I own an automobile—at least according to the state of Colorado; my name is on the title. I also am part owner of a house. My name, along with Joyce’s, is on the deed. I have a physical body that came with a mind and emotional realm. Most people say, “This is my life, I can do with it as I want.” On that basis, many people abuse their bodies and misuse their minds and hearts for selfish and even harmful purposes. But if we accept that the earth is the Lord’s, then we own nothing in this outer world, not even our own human bodies. We are lease holders. There is a landlord—a Land Lord—to whom we are responsible. So, we rightly care for what is given into our hands, and diligently stay in alignment with the One who is the true owner. We represent him in his world and act accordingly.

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