" We are designed to feel the currents of love, which is the nature of God. Attraction leads to response and then to union and unified radiation."
by Larry and Joyce Krantz
Larry Krantz: For today’s meditation, Joyce and I would like to consider male and female energies. This is a sacred area that has been brought low and made coarse in human affairs. To consider this with clarity of vision, we need to carry a sense of sacredness and care, to see from a high vantage point.
Continue reading…Hosted by Joyce Krantz and Alan Fisher
"The same energy that is pushing forth leaves is activating new paths and ways of living through human minds and hearts."
by Pamela Gray, Sanford Baran, Joyce Krantz and Larry Krantz
Pamela Gray: It’s a wondrous time to be alive on earth, isn’t it? There’s so much appreciation and love for friends, true friends who share spiritual purpose. Those who administer their daily responsibilities with love, upliftment, and blessing are the ones who can be counted on, no matter the circumstances.
What a beautiful body of spiritual beings I see on the Zoom screen, along with those here who have met for a few days at the Krantz’s home. We’re connected to many others who are gathered in various spiritual groups as part of the divine mechanism at the Creator’s hand—all with this one purpose—to let love radiate.
Continue reading…"Love is the force that holds the cosmos together, and draws people together. This is how we know God, by the evidence of what spirit brings forth, which includes compassion and joy."
by Joyce Krantz and Larry Krantz
Larry Krantz: Welcome everyone to our Sunday morning gathering. In a collective such as this, we can accomplish much more spiritually than we can as separate individuals. There is an exponential leap in the radiance released by reason of our agreement, as long as those concerned are on tone. Of course, people agree about all kinds of things, even acts of destruction, but if it isn’t in the flow of the tone of life, then there is little spiritual potency; it’s kind of flat, just a re-hashing of the old human state. When there is agreement in the tone of life and active spiritual substance available, a current moves out to uplift the consciousness of humanity, to inspire an awakening to the truth. Today, we can spark a remembrance of our divine heritage and inherent glory.
Continue reading…"What was, doesn’t seem to fit now in the same way. Traditions, beliefs, customs are all up for review, rightly so, because life is a continual flow."
by Suzanne Core, Joyce Krantz and Christina Pivarnik
Suzanne Core: Good morning, everyone; and good afternoon and maybe good evening. It is a joy to be together, to shine the light together, into our worlds.
Two weeks ago, Bill Isaacs talked about stature and also about humility. His words on humility caught my ear. I want to speak a bit about stature and humility. The first thing I did was look up the word humility in the Bible. There are a number of places where the word appears, but my favorite are these words of the Master: “Take my yoke upon you and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest…. For my yoke is easy” and I’m carrying the light!
Continue reading…"The real purpose of our bodies, minds and hearts begins to be known as they become independent of the control of external influences. If independence means anything, to me, it's this."
by Joyce Krantz and John Gray
John Gray: Welcome! It is July 4, 2021, close to the midpoint of the calendar year. Most of us who knew Tessa Maskell are aware she passed away last week. James Maskell posted on Instagram, “My mother, Tessa Elizabeth Maskell, has taken the next step in her journey! So grateful to have spent four profound days together at the end of this week. The greatest compliment I can give [her] is that [she] inspired my curiosity and then life’s work and [she was] way ahead of [her] time.”
Continue reading…"Why focus on the crack in the egg? Let's focus on what's being born!"
by Kate Isaacs and Joyce Krantz
Kate Isaacs: Welcome everybody, and welcome to all the mothers who are nurturing and tending and stewarding our children and our planet and the next generation of all things. And welcome to the fathers, the brothers, the uncles, the sons who are looking after all of us women and protecting us as we go about doing what we women do.
There is an inspiring line in a recent TV show called Friday Night Lights, which is about a high school football team. The team’s motto was “Clear eyes. Full hearts. Can’t lose.” I want to riff on that a bit and say “Clear minds. Open hearts, Can’t lose.” It might at times look like you are losing, but you aren’t, in fact, if you’re proceeding with an open heart.
Continue reading…"Just the act of noticing what's right in an individual (and saying it out loud when the moment calls for it) is the single most important thing you can do with a child, or with anyone, to create that uplifting spirit where each one can grow into their greatest creative potential."
by Sanford Baran, Kate Isaacs and Joyce Krantz
Sanford Baran: To begin our time together I wanted to play for you an audio soundscape that I produced last week that provides a surround for Alan Hammond’s poem, The Eternal Presence.
Listen to the soundscape (12 and a half minutes)
Continue reading…"Divine memory carries with it wisdom and an understanding that surpasses any human philosophy."
by Joyce Krantz and Larry Krantz
Joyce Krantz: The act of breathing comes to mind as we gather today—an in-breath of spirit has drawn us all together in this moment to provide a focus for the nature and purpose of Being. And the outbreath of spirit expands the truth moving through our consciousness for blessing to the whole.
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