"Essences of the whole are touched in the parts. What we're about is the collective body becoming conscious again of the One whose body it is."

by Sanford Baran and John Gray
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Sanford Baran: These are exciting and exhilarating days. What we are about is nothing less than the complete unification of humankind in alignment with universal cause. We’re talking about the restoration of Man, the collective body, female and male, that is the rightful and trusted point of focus of the divine here on earth.

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"The language of the familiar three earth dimensions may be said to be words. The language of the fourth level, the apex meeting point of below and above, is attunement."

by John Gray and Chris Jorgensen
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John Gray: All of us participating in this teleconference speak English, and some may speak other languages as well. Whatever the case, our mother tongue is the primary language our mothers and fathers taught us. As very young children we began to learn to talk by mimicking the vocal sounds of those closest to us. Gradually, we associated meanings with those sounds. Later, in school, we were acquainted with written symbols to represent sounds and words. We learned to read.

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"Humanly speaking, we’re a motley crew with all manner of foibles and shortcomings and odd histories. Notwithstanding, just above all that is the evidence of the presence of the individual Eminent One. Each one’s greatness shines round about. Let us see one another truly this way! "

Courtesy Alexandra Barbu - dreamstime.com

by John Gray
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I long ago came to understand that true greatness is absolute, not relative. You’ve probably realized this as well. To illustrate, though, think of an important leader or mentor you’ve known personally, someone whose greatness you admire, even love. Did his or her greatness make you somehow lesser? No, not if your mentor is or was the genuine article. In my experience, my spiritual mentor’s manifestation of greatness inspired me to know mySelf—his example helped evoke the transcendent Me in my experience. To be sure, I perceived him as greater, but at the same time I was and am not lesser. This is a mentally impossible yet true condition! I see and I love others’ greatness—in fact, I feel in awe of your spiritual stature! Seeing You doesn’t make me less Me, however—we are each absolute. Mutually seen and acknowledged true greatness is the foundation that makes possible immutable trust and friendship, something that is then known to simply be. We don’t need to profess and talk about it.

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"Let's never think we're 'going through a lot' these days. No. A lot is going through us!"

by John Gray
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Lately, Vladimir Putin’s military invasion of Ukraine dominates global news coverage—except in Russia, that is. A widespread reaction to this from people in the so-called “Free World,” is outrage. The word “rage,” by the way, derives from a Latin root meaning “madness.” Add the prefix, “out,” which means “beyond,” and we see the resulting word, outrage, means beyond madness. Many millions have empathy for Ukrainians’ suffering. It’s important we also keep in mind that the vast majority of Russians are not Putins; they’re people. Some are mothers and fathers whose sons have been sent to fight. In war, all people lose. 

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"The true climate for garden earth necessarily begins as an internal state of heart and mind... Our role is to walk in this garden-world in the cool of the day, understanding that what we sense from the natural world is actually a welcome. It awaits us."

Courtesy - Riverside CA Press-Enterprise

by Pamela Gray and John Gray
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Pamela Gray: Two weeks ago, we shared an exquisite hour with Christina and Sanford honoring the majestic kingdom of animals. We appreciate that one spirit is present in all forms of creation. The kingdoms of the earth naturally give glory to their creator; they proudly display their unique beauty and fulfill the purposes for which they were created. They instinctively rise to loving human touch, whether it’s in person or vibrationally, as in a gathering like ours now. Whatever our topic of consideration, we extend care and stewardship. This is what provides balance for our planet: the healing power of love and unity.

 In appreciation for the majesty of nature I would like share images my lens has captured of their gifts, so freely given. Let’s relax with these photos accompanied by music and lyrics by Libera.  I invite us all to welcome this opportunity for radiation to the earth and all its forms of life.

Slideshow by Pamela Gray, accompanied by “I Am the Day” by Libera ]

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"What's right is the starting point, what's wrong is beside the point."

by Pamela Gray and John Gray
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Pamela Gray: Two weeks ago, we spent a magical hour in the language of music, appreciating the interplay of harmony and dissonance, and correlating it with what is occurring in the world today. Sanford began with a purpose statement: We are here to create the world. I would like to continue in that current of thought. I’m always aware when we gather like this of the potency of radiance our collective presence brings. And each of our lives are full of creative responsibilities and interests. One of mine is youth—children and young adults in the world. I extend a radiant embrace of connection into this arena through my work in the public school system and through my own interest in what they’re doing in the world because of their presence and their calling.

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"Fine music is a translated condensation of a higher, physically inaudible realm. It is a beautiful and moving way the Word may be expressed and sounded in the world. "

by Sanford Baran & John Gray
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Sanford Baran: I’d like to take a moment to consider the following thought: Our job is to create the world. 

While this might sound like a tall order, it really isn’t because it’s a job that gets done in consciousness.

Simply put, we create the world by experiencing whatever comes to us through the lens of spirit. And in doing this our experiences are transformed, uplifted, purified into forms that spirit can use for its purposes.

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"...the world of human devising is seen as a thin veneer on the surface of our living planet, and the Earth itself is part of and one with the living, pulsing cosmic whole."

by Donna Jorgensen, Chris Jorgensen, Pamela Gray and John Gray
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Donna Jorgensen: Good morning, and good afternoon, everyone. It’s so wonderful to hear your voices! I know some of you personally from many years ago. First I’d like to thank John and Pamela Gray for inviting Chris and me to spend this time with you today. The invitation was made a couple of weeks ago and I’ve been thinking about it ever since. It had an “outpost” in my head, so I do have some thoughts that I would love to share with you. But before I do that I would like to have a moment of silence to start. Please join me in that experience. (Silence for a few moments.)

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"The real purpose of our bodies, minds and hearts begins to be known as they become independent of the control of external influences. If independence means anything, to me, it's this."

by Joyce Krantz and John Gray
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John Gray: Welcome! It is July 4, 2021, close to the midpoint of the calendar year. Most of us who knew Tessa Maskell are aware she passed away last week. James Maskell posted on Instagram, “My mother, Tessa Elizabeth Maskell, has taken the next step in her journey! So grateful to have spent four profound days together at the end of this week. The greatest compliment I can give [her] is that [she] inspired my curiosity and then life’s work and [she was] way ahead of [her] time.”

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"Loving the One who breathes us draws us into oneness with Him or Her."

by Pamela and John Gray
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Pamela Gray: It’s wonderful to be together!  Sanford, the music you chose to begin our hour is an important part of this gathering. It set the atmosphere beautifully.

I want to comment on the role that our collective presence plays in the Tone of Life gatherings every two weeks. Whatever was in focus the time before has now moved on in a continuum.  As its content penetrates deeply in heart and mind and is fleshed out in our living, the collective substance becomes greater than it was before. It’s my pleasure to step into this substance today and offer something with all of you and more, into the world.

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