"...the focus of function has shifted from coming of age to coming into our own. My 'own' is my body, heart and mind, and my vast creative field beyond. I flood the world I create with love."

"Uranda and a small handful of others with him in his creative field were able to hold the spiritual line during World War II such that the dark and sinister forces of the ego mind were not able to control and rule the world. Today it is our time! Holding the spiritual line, stewarding the unified radiation, is in our hands."

by John Gray and Chris Jorgensen
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John Gray: For this gathering today, Chris Jorgensen and I share the pleasurable responsibility of giving voice to the word in expression in and through our outer selves, and in and through each of you present, and quite a large host of others in our individual and collective fields. The whole of us is right here, right now, and that includes all who will listen to or read these words later. This is a working session; thank you for fully participating!

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"The language of the familiar three earth dimensions may be said to be words. The language of the fourth level, the apex meeting point of below and above, is attunement."

by John Gray and Chris Jorgensen
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John Gray: All of us participating in this teleconference speak English, and some may speak other languages as well. Whatever the case, our mother tongue is the primary language our mothers and fathers taught us. As very young children we began to learn to talk by mimicking the vocal sounds of those closest to us. Gradually, we associated meanings with those sounds. Later, in school, we were acquainted with written symbols to represent sounds and words. We learned to read.

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"...the world of human devising is seen as a thin veneer on the surface of our living planet, and the Earth itself is part of and one with the living, pulsing cosmic whole."

by Donna Jorgensen, Chris Jorgensen, Pamela Gray and John Gray
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Donna Jorgensen: Good morning, and good afternoon, everyone. It’s so wonderful to hear your voices! I know some of you personally from many years ago. First I’d like to thank John and Pamela Gray for inviting Chris and me to spend this time with you today. The invitation was made a couple of weeks ago and I’ve been thinking about it ever since. It had an “outpost” in my head, so I do have some thoughts that I would love to share with you. But before I do that I would like to have a moment of silence to start. Please join me in that experience. (Silence for a few moments.)

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"Planet Earth is alive. It has Presence and that Presence has a body, a mind, and a feeling nature with all of the associated energies and substance."

by Chris Jorgensen and John Gray
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Chris Jorgensen: Greetings to everyone on this Easter morning. It is a delight for me to be a guest speaker with my friend John Gray on this celebratory day. Easter is a time of renewal and ascension.

We are living in a time of transition, moving from one state of awareness and experience into another state. Many individuals see the changes in their lives as making progress. This idea shows itself in different arenas. In school, one is making progress as you move from grade to grade towards graduation. There are times in a social sense that a person is making progress if they move to a better neighborhood and a different class of people. Something similar can be said of economics, science and technology. Even in the spiritual arena, people who undertake various workshops and seminars for self-improvement, tend to think of their spiritual training as making progress—I am becoming a better person!

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