"There is an intensification of the representation of the center around which everything revolves, and it's brought more to point in human experience, beginning with oneSelf."

by Bill Isaacs
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Today is the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s officially the first day of summer. It’s exactly the reverse, of course, in the Southern Hemisphere. The solstice comes about when the Northern pole of the earth has its maximum tilt toward the sun. Over the past few weeks, I have been very conscious of the intensification of the light. I found myself waking up earlier and earlier, as the days got longer. In the Arctic Circle it’s continuous daylight at this time of year. Light fills the world. This is also Father’s Day. Our sun is a beautiful symbol of the radiant warmth of the Father of all things

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"We are oriented not in what is changing, but in the radiant outflow ... It is always available, and simply needs our consistent expression."

by Bill Isaacs
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Human beings live for the most part in a splintered and fragmented world, a world of separation. This appears to most people as an inevitability, a fixed inexorable reality to which one must simply adjust. People are divided from one another; nations are suspicious and at times hostile or worse; organizations have “siloed” separate units; political tribes live in their own “echo chambers.” The experience is so complete that questioning it seems to be an exercise in futility, a kind of intellectual or spiritual fantasy. So-called serious people dismiss the idea that there might be any way around this. Yet there are all kinds of reasons why that thought might be challenged.

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“Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.”

Leonard Cohen - courtesy Istvan Bajzat/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images

by Bill Isaacs
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I am here in my father’s house. He passed away a month ago today. There has been an extensive process of clarification unfolding as a result in me, among my close-in family, and in many hundreds of others who were impacted by him. It is quite remarkable to see the impact of one person’s life expression, dimensions of which sometimes only emerge after a person has passed away. The effects ripple out far and wide, in time and in space. Transitions like this widen our lens of perception.

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Photo by Nicola Pohl

by Bill Isaacs
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Let us be present together in this moment of quietness, to listen to the world around us, the world within us, the larger dimensions of Being that are always present.

There is a great deal of noise in the world. I was struck by this realization this summer when my family and I spent a few weeks on an Island 30 miles out to sea, off the coast of Massachusetts. We stayed in a place where you could constantly see the open sea, the sky, the wide landscape, and in the evenings, dazzling and richly textured sunsets. The Milky Way gleamed vividly luminous at night. And most strikingly, it was very quiet. There is a vastness and an openness to this place. I realized how nourishing that is, how sensual, and how easily that experience can be lost in the press of busy experience.

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by Bill Isaacs
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What is your awareness of your purpose? How alive is it? There are many ways one could address this topic. It is an ever-expanding subject. It may not be something you spend much time on. However, if you have devoted time and energy towards this, you come to realize that to arrive at ever new levels of understanding takes work. Part of this work includes relinquishing well-rehearsed and perhaps reassuring formulations of your purpose. Our ideas about purpose, and indeed about any subject can easily become stale or obsolete. It takes something to ground one’s experience in something that isn’t merely an outdated mental perception. I have over the last 12 months made a measured effort, each day, to penetrate this question. I found that it was quite productive to spend a deliberate period of time each morning meditating on this. I think I have missed three or four days over the past year. I’ve been somewhat amazed to discover all the ways in which I have held an inherited or limited or conceptual view that didn’t at first occur to be that at all. In fact, in many instances, I found that my view was quite self-inflated, even arrogant, or at times just reactive to the situation around me.

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by Kate Isaacs and Bill Isaacs
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Kate Isaacs: Happy Mother’s Day to all of us who are mothers, who are daughters, who are grandmothers, who are aunts and sisters, and to all of the dads and grandfathers and uncles and brothers and sons who are connected with us.

It is a time of pressure and transition in the world, on this Mother’s Day, which has thrown me personally into a period of blankness and newness. I find that I don’t have much to say in the old ways on many things about which I used to have a lot to say. It is an uncomfortable feeling, and one that is not unfamiliar, having been through a number of transitions in my life. I want to say a few words today about transition, from a personal place, and since it is Mother’s Day, about what my children have taught me about transition. They are great teachers. And they are unrelenting teachers. They keep teaching you the lesson until you get it. 

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"What does one do about climate change? In a nutshell one first changes one’s own atmosphere, the climate within which you live, the quality of the field in which you function."

by Bill Isaacs
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Try this thought experiment: Imagine you are in a great building. You look up to see a vast ceiling that seems to reach to the stars. Corridors spread out in every direction. Light streams in. There’s a rich, warm and recognizable atmosphere in this place. It is immense. To call this a building is somehow strange, because it is unlike any other you have ever seen, but the term is also somehow apt. You realize you’re in the halls of a great court, the court of a great King. You know where you are.

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"There is a fundamental transition occurring now, a shift from mind to experience… Central to this is the realization that we are each part of the rich circuitry of the cosmic whole, participants in an unprecedented restorative process, with an active role to play."

by Bill Isaacs
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We are continuously surrounded by abundance. I had the pleasure this morning of picking some peaches off the trees in our yard. So far, we have collected hundreds, and there are many more. It has taken years for the fruit to come. We had nothing for a long while and then got a very modest crop a few years ago. Suddenly now the trees are full of fruit. I put them in some bowls on our kitchen table. They were luminous. How amazing it is to see and taste something so sweet and fresh and full of life. We have spent years pruning and staking and fertilizing these trees, looking after them, caring for them. There are several other kinds of trees in our yard. Some of them became pest infected and didn’t make it, and some have never born fruit. It has taken a great deal of care to get this far.

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"Nothing changes until I act in alignment with the image and likeness of what I Am, until I bring my consciousness into that place."

by Kate Isaacs and Bill Isaacs
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Kate Isaacs: It’s a pleasure to be here today with you all. I would like to speak about the topic of creative fields for divine technology. I was really taken by Larry Krantz’s talk a couple of weeks ago about the state of our world and the many ecological problems that we face. I’ve spent my entire professional life working on environmental policy and technology issues in business. What came to me to speak about today was the possibilities and problems with technologies that human beings have brought into our world.

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"Humanity is being carried by great winds across the sky. And yet our direct conscious participation in this flow has been spotty at best. It is up to us to break the deception of this false state and be transformed into one that is real and reveals an inner Truth."

Goethe - German poet and scientist

Goethe - German poet and scientist

by Bill Isaacs
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A few moments ago, I watched as several stuffed animals walked themselves up the stairs in our home. We have two little boys who were endeavoring to see what would happen if they put their stuffed animals on the stairs with some Cheerios for fuel, stepped away, and then came back a few minutes later. Would the animals actually move up? Amazingly enough, it turns out they do! This became a subject of great fascination and delight and will no doubt be something we discuss for many days to come. How did they move?

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