"Why focus on the crack in the egg? Let's focus on what's being born!"

by Kate Isaacs and Joyce Krantz
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Kate Isaacs: Welcome everybody, and welcome to all the mothers who are nurturing and tending and stewarding our children and our planet and the next generation of all things. And welcome to the fathers, the brothers, the uncles, the sons who are looking after all of us women and protecting us as we go about doing what we women do.

There is an inspiring line in a recent TV show called Friday Night Lights, which is about a high school football team. The team’s motto was “Clear eyes. Full hearts. Can’t lose.” I want to riff on that a bit and say “Clear minds. Open hearts, Can’t lose.” It might at times look like you are losing, but you aren’t, in fact, if you’re proceeding with an open heart.

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"Loving the One who breathes us draws us into oneness with Him or Her."

by Pamela and John Gray
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Pamela Gray: It’s wonderful to be together!  Sanford, the music you chose to begin our hour is an important part of this gathering. It set the atmosphere beautifully.

I want to comment on the role that our collective presence plays in the Tone of Life gatherings every two weeks. Whatever was in focus the time before has now moved on in a continuum.  As its content penetrates deeply in heart and mind and is fleshed out in our living, the collective substance becomes greater than it was before. It’s my pleasure to step into this substance today and offer something with all of you and more, into the world.

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"We are oriented not in what is changing, but in the radiant outflow ... It is always available, and simply needs our consistent expression."

by Bill Isaacs
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Human beings live for the most part in a splintered and fragmented world, a world of separation. This appears to most people as an inevitability, a fixed inexorable reality to which one must simply adjust. People are divided from one another; nations are suspicious and at times hostile or worse; organizations have “siloed” separate units; political tribes live in their own “echo chambers.” The experience is so complete that questioning it seems to be an exercise in futility, a kind of intellectual or spiritual fantasy. So-called serious people dismiss the idea that there might be any way around this. Yet there are all kinds of reasons why that thought might be challenged.

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"To the extent that we are consciously rooted and identified in the tone, the possibilities of expanded personal and collective expression are vast."

by Sanford Baran, Alex Bootzin, Jack and Brenda Jenkins

Sanford Baran:
 Although I am the one who is officially scheduled to be the presenter for today’s teleconference, it’s actually a team of us who have come together, and this coming together has occurred quite organically over the last number of weeks. Joining me as co-presenters this morning are Jack and Brenda Jenkins from 108 Mile Ranch in British Columbia, Canada and Alex Bootzin in Pacifica, California.

It’s really been fun working together from our far-flung homes. Our status of working remotely notwithstanding, I’ve been impressed by what can occur as there is agreement, friendship and a joy to create. Although we are geographically separate, the fact is we are in one place together.

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"Our inner reality has always loved us and guided us; we have not always been listening. But, when we yield to our inner Selves, we are not diminished but enlarged, free and boundless."

Aurora Borealis -- courtesy Pictures 806

by Christina Pivarnik and Larry Krantz
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Christina Pivarnik: I’m so excited to be with all of you this morning in this context! Many of you are longtime, dear friends. Others of you, I haven’t had the privilege to meet in person, but the connection in spirit is there regardless. It’s a pleasure to see and hear all of you and to acknowledge the locations we span together, nearly halfway around the planet. It’s such a joy to be able to spend this time together with you.

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"In the rising up, our minds and hearts are cleansed, purified and restored."

by John Gray
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Two days ago, February 12th, a new lunar year began, according to the Chinese calendar. A lunar year consists of 12 lunar months, approximately 354 days in all, and it’s linked to the repeating 12-year Chinese Zodiac cycle. This lunar new year marks the transition from a year of the rat to a year of the oxthe latter a sign that symbolizes strength, respect and fairness. Sounds good to me! The world would certainly benefit from strength, respect and fairness. Happy New Year.

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"Let the old state pass away that the resonant, divine state may appear. We are creators, and we know how to create together. That is the way of love, which draws everything into oneness. "

by Larry Krantz
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It is vital that we learn to work together creatively. We live in unprecedented times, as evidenced by a population of over seven-and-a-half billion people on the planet, which has never happened before, nor has the impact all these people are having on our planet and the environment. Add to that the coronavirus, which affects everyone, and the recent social and political upheavals, including violence at the U.S. Capitol and a change of American presidents set to take place in a few days. Perhaps these disturbances give indication of the tide going out on human nature. But that alone does not accomplish what is needed. There must be an incoming tide of spiritual awareness, a new state to replace the old state. In this, we have a particular responsibility.

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“Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.”

Leonard Cohen - courtesy Istvan Bajzat/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images

by Bill Isaacs
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I am here in my father’s house. He passed away a month ago today. There has been an extensive process of clarification unfolding as a result in me, among my close-in family, and in many hundreds of others who were impacted by him. It is quite remarkable to see the impact of one person’s life expression, dimensions of which sometimes only emerge after a person has passed away. The effects ripple out far and wide, in time and in space. Transitions like this widen our lens of perception.

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"...to comfort all that mourn; to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heavinesss..." [Isaiah 61:2-3]

Photograph by Suzanne Core

by John Gray
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I’m thankful for the technology that allows us to gather from distant places with such ease. It’s good to see you all and feel our presence together.

This is the last of our biweekly teleconference gatherings for this year. As calendar years draw to a close it’s usual to look back and assess the year that was. AJ Willingham, a writer for CNN, posted yesterday, “If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that kindness and compassion have never been more important. It’s taught us that difficult times are made easier when we work together, when we take care of each other; when we reach out a hand to those struggling and lift up the heroes that protect us. It’s taught us that the best way through the darkness is to look for the light—and if there is none, to make it ourselves.”

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"There are many ways to contribute. Particularly in these days when people might feel isolated and limited, let’s celebrate all efforts by anyone, anywhere to contribute to their highest vision, in whatever form is available to them. We recognize the spirit of love and truth in expression. That is what counts."

by Volker Brendel
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There are a variety of communication channels, some of which are lost in electronic transmission. We cannot quite see each other in the same way as when we are in the same room.  Certainly, we cannot smell each other. Perception of body language is limited. But then again this is not all that different from any form of communication. Ultimately, we always have to make do with what we have. We use words, gestures, body language, and so forth to convey something of our own experience. And then those we are communicating with perceive this and necessarily filter this through their own associations, related to their own experience. The best we can hope for is to convey with some accuracy what our experience is and that this translates for those with whom we wish to communicate. In that sense, technology doesn’t change too much; it just introduces more factors in the chain of communication that we have to consider.

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