"I will honor all life,
wherever and in whatever form
it may dwell,
on Earth my home
and in the mansions of the stars."

The Starry Night - Vincent Van Gogh

by Christina Pivarnik and Sanford Baran
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Christina Pivarnik: It’s always a joy to gather together and to share the precious things of spirit. Sanford and I are delighted to offer a focus for today’s considerations.

Today is Father’s Day in at least a dozen countries, a day we honor the fathers and grandfathers who have raised children and continue to do so—even when the kids are adults—who not only show up, but love whole-heartedly, mentoring and nurturing. Some of you may not have offspring of your own, maybe you’re a stepfather, a dog dad or cat dad, or a father of gardens, farms and all living things of the natural world.

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"Truth reveals the intricate design of heaven and adds layers of understanding. What was before hidden, comes into view, and is awe inspiring."

where does birdie go and how does he get there

how is he sized and how does he get where he is meant to go

Larry Krantz, Alan Jonas and Christine Jonas
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Larry Krantz: It is a privilege to be part of this esteemed company, to consider what is right and true, today joined by Allan and Christine Jonas.  

Joyce and I were in Denver this weekend enjoying the “big city,” with its fine restaurants and the bustle of people. Like the out-of-town tourists we are, we walked by Larimer Square and along the 16th Street mall and stared up at impressively tall buildings. Our hotel room was on the 37th floor and had a panoramic view of the Front Range; the Rockies were covered with snow and looked magnificent. While in Denver, we attended a concert at the old Paramount theater, to hear Justin Hayward—the lead singer and songwriter for The Moody Blues. I suppose it was a bit of a trip down memory lane. More than a few years have passed since these songs were recorded, but Justin Hayward sounded quite good and was backed by very talented musicians. I admired The Moody Blues because their songs weren’t trivial, but about their search for meaning, to which we can relate.

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"Humanly speaking, we’re a motley crew with all manner of foibles and shortcomings and odd histories. Notwithstanding, just above all that is the evidence of the presence of the individual Eminent One. Each one’s greatness shines round about. Let us see one another truly this way! "

Courtesy Alexandra Barbu - dreamstime.com

by John Gray
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I long ago came to understand that true greatness is absolute, not relative. You’ve probably realized this as well. To illustrate, though, think of an important leader or mentor you’ve known personally, someone whose greatness you admire, even love. Did his or her greatness make you somehow lesser? No, not if your mentor is or was the genuine article. In my experience, my spiritual mentor’s manifestation of greatness inspired me to know mySelf—his example helped evoke the transcendent Me in my experience. To be sure, I perceived him as greater, but at the same time I was and am not lesser. This is a mentally impossible yet true condition! I see and I love others’ greatness—in fact, I feel in awe of your spiritual stature! Seeing You doesn’t make me less Me, however—we are each absolute. Mutually seen and acknowledged true greatness is the foundation that makes possible immutable trust and friendship, something that is then known to simply be. We don’t need to profess and talk about it.

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"I abide in a place of stillness, a mansion of silence which is not empty, but filled with expectation, potential, and promise. "

by Larry Krantz
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I would share an experience I had many years ago. When I was in ninth grade, a freshman in high school, I took the bus to and from school. I often sat with my friend Jill, who was quite attractive, a year older, and somewhat artsy—all of which intrigued me. We enjoyed each other’s company. One time, on the long ride home there was a fellow sitting in the seat in front of us who was a senior, and also the running back on the football team. He was a big muscular guy and, as I was about to find out, something of a bully with a mean streak. He turned around and grabbed Jill’s purse, searched through it, came up with a can of hairspray, and sprayed it in her face, a nasty thing to do.

 I felt a bit protective and said, “Hey, man. That’s not cool.” His response was to haul off and punch me in the mouth hard enough to push my two front teeth back. They have been like that since, a memento of that day on the school bus.

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"What was, doesn’t seem to fit now in the same way. Traditions, beliefs, customs are all up for review, rightly so, because life is a continual flow."

Dawn's First Light

by Suzanne Core, Joyce Krantz and Christina Pivarnik
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Suzanne Core: Good morning, everyone; and good afternoon and maybe good evening. It is a joy to be together, to shine the light together, into our worlds.

Two weeks ago, Bill Isaacs talked about stature and also about humility. His words on humility caught my ear. I want to speak a bit about stature and humility. The first thing I did was look up the word humility in the Bible. There are a number of places where the word appears, but my favorite are these words of the Master: “Take my yoke upon you and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest…. For my yoke is easy” and I’m carrying the light!

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"The orchestrated power of the whole is bringing about the emergence of stature and with it, the possibility of rethinking how to handle what is unfolding. "

Courtesy 'Unsplash'

by Bill Isaacs
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Awareness that there is one creative flow, one creative order, animating, orchestrating, giving life, and powering everything is not always so easily accessible to human consciousness. This doesn’t mean it’s not the case. There is a great deal of power flowing through the whole. Power is a term that is ill understood. The human translation is more aptly put as force: the attempt to move things according to one’s liking or to a design deemed to be good, efficient, desirable. The undue use of force has a word in English: violence. But the entirety of human doing from a certain standpoint, anyway, is all about force. It takes something to relinquish that orientation and to discover the nature of power, which is something altogether different. The access point to power is humility. There is no other access point.

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"Let's never think we're 'going through a lot' these days. No. A lot is going through us!"

by John Gray
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Lately, Vladimir Putin’s military invasion of Ukraine dominates global news coverage—except in Russia, that is. A widespread reaction to this from people in the so-called “Free World,” is outrage. The word “rage,” by the way, derives from a Latin root meaning “madness.” Add the prefix, “out,” which means “beyond,” and we see the resulting word, outrage, means beyond madness. Many millions have empathy for Ukrainians’ suffering. It’s important we also keep in mind that the vast majority of Russians are not Putins; they’re people. Some are mothers and fathers whose sons have been sent to fight. In war, all people lose. 

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"The true meaning of the word, perfect, is to do exactly what is required in the situation in which we find ourselves, as best we may, through our human equipment which we understand is not always totally up to par. We simply do the highest that can be done.”

US Ski Team - Copyright: 2019 Getty Images

by Sanford Baran
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As we gather for our Tone of Life meditation this morning it is good to stand together on higher ground and proclaim that all is well. We know this in our hearts even as we observe the ravages of war and other humanly instigated catastrophes causing much misery and suffering throughout the world. From the standpoint of human beings, yes, these are catastrophes and much cause for weeping and the gnashing of teeth. But from the perspective of Being, such turbulence doesn’t even register the tiniest of blips on the divine Richter scale.

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"When we trust life, we stand on higher ground, and from there everything looks different. We may then see clearly with our eyes and hear with our ears and feel with our hearts, for our vision is no longer clouded by the disturbances of human nature, which are as nothing in the sight of God."

by Larry Krantz
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And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour. And I saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven trumpets. (Revelation 8:1-2)

These words convey a vision from the top of the mountain, the place of union between the outer person and the divine being within. It is a most sacred place, a place of stillness without the chaotic noise that fills human minds and hearts. When we observe the cosmos, we see no groaning or straining, and no complaining. It is simply God revealing himself and herself. It reveals a natural movement from the undimensional realm into levels of discernible existence, like a river flowing from the finest qualities of love down into the multitude of earthly forms. In the cosmos, there is a profound sense of peace and grandeur amid unfathomable activity. The stars move in the stillness of space, yet are always in motion. There is much to be done in the expression of God. We are not here merely to observe, but to create. Reality is everywhere, although it remains largely unknown to those who are disconnected from the awesome power and majesty of Source.

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"The true climate for garden earth necessarily begins as an internal state of heart and mind... Our role is to walk in this garden-world in the cool of the day, understanding that what we sense from the natural world is actually a welcome. It awaits us."

Courtesy - Riverside CA Press-Enterprise

by Pamela Gray and John Gray
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Pamela Gray: Two weeks ago, we shared an exquisite hour with Christina and Sanford honoring the majestic kingdom of animals. We appreciate that one spirit is present in all forms of creation. The kingdoms of the earth naturally give glory to their creator; they proudly display their unique beauty and fulfill the purposes for which they were created. They instinctively rise to loving human touch, whether it’s in person or vibrationally, as in a gathering like ours now. Whatever our topic of consideration, we extend care and stewardship. This is what provides balance for our planet: the healing power of love and unity.

 In appreciation for the majesty of nature I would like share images my lens has captured of their gifts, so freely given. Let’s relax with these photos accompanied by music and lyrics by Libera.  I invite us all to welcome this opportunity for radiation to the earth and all its forms of life.

Slideshow by Pamela Gray, accompanied by “I Am the Day” by Libera ]

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