"With new vision, old behaviors and errant views no longer fit. It is exciting to rise up and expand our understanding."

By Larry Krantz
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Like most of us, I do things to exercise my brain and body: crosswords and puzzles, as well as cycling and swimming. Also, I play golf with a group of men, which is socially useful. I’ve been instructed how to hold my hands on the golf club and shift my weight and a dozen checkpoints on a swing that takes less than two seconds. With so many conflicting thoughts it is not surprising I often don’t know where the golf ball will go!

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“...whatsoever things are true... honest... just... pure... lovely... of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” (Phil 4:8)

by Maureen Lakin, Pamela Gray and John Gray
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Maureen Lakin: Namaste! Along with this Sanskrit greeting of deep respect, it is an honor to be with you all today and to be here with John and Pamela.

As you are probably aware, in the past six weeks, the states of Florida, Georgia and North Carolina have been dealing with the aftermath of two horrific hurricanes. The first hurricane, named Helene, shot into North Carolina causing monumental loss and destruction, particularly for residents of communities in the Appalachian Mountains. This hurricane also took the lives of hundreds of people. Its path was very interesting because it struck Florida and continued heading northward toward Atlanta, but then circled around the greater Atlanta area, bypassing it altogether, and coming down in North Carolina about 10 miles up the road from where I live. 

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"Cosmic garden blooms, Neon neurons intertwine, A universe minds"

by Sanford Baran
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It’s wonderful to be together again; what an incredible opportunity to bring something of depth and substance to focus! Actually, such opportunity has always been with us here on earth, but maybe the difference now, in this moment, is that there’s a greater conscious awareness of what is ours to do, coupled with an appreciation of the rich and abundant provision, generously made available, enabling all manner of creative opportunities. From my perspective the potential for positive creative action has never been greater.

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" We are designed to feel the currents of love, which is the nature of God. Attraction leads to response and then to union and unified radiation."

by Larry and Joyce Krantz
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Larry Krantz: For today’s meditation, Joyce and I would like to consider male and female energies. This is a sacred area that has been brought low and made coarse in human affairs. To consider this with clarity of vision, we need to carry a sense of sacredness and care, to see from a high vantage point.

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"Intelligent thinking requires the correct translation of Divine Intelligence."

by Suzanne Core, Allen Guisinger, Davina Misroch, Daniel Cartwright
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Suzanne Core: Welcome, angels! It is so good to be with you all today. I just want to take in this glorious picture: a Zoom full of angels. As Tom introduced today’s speakers, the four of us are POD 8. You all may remember when Sanford and John brilliantly set up the POD experiment a couple of years ago. POD 8 has been meeting weekly since then and has had a wonderful time becoming friends and remembering that we have long been angelic companions. 

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