Partnership in the Dance

" We are designed to feel the currents of love, which is the nature of God. Attraction leads to response and then to union and unified radiation."

by Larry and Joyce Krantz
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Larry Krantz: For today’s meditation, Joyce and I would like to consider male and female energies. This is a sacred area that has been brought low and made coarse in human affairs. To consider this with clarity of vision, we need to carry a sense of sacredness and care, to see from a high vantage point.

Life is not static. The universe is dynamic, always changing, never boring, continuously born anew. Masculine and feminine forces interact in an ongoing cosmic dance. Each of us has both energies with one dominant, although we can be flexible in our expression to fit a situation. For example, when a masculine or feminine role is called for more than might be expected, as with a single mother or father raising a family and needing to provide both male and female guidance. We can change our emphasis to bring forth what is needed.

The fine substance that flows from higher levels into human experience tends to be mistranslated and distorted, especially male/female interactions, which then leads to confusion, hurt feelings, even anger, jealousy, and bitterness. Despite these common human experiences, there is a universal design in which there is a balance of male and female energies. For example, electrons are said to be negative and surround a positive nucleus. The sun holds planets in their orbits as a positive center in the midst of a vast, responsive solar entity. The interaction of masculine and feminine energies spark currents for creative action, just as it takes differently charged poles in a battery for electricity to flow.

The cosmos is a divine romance, a revelation of sex—in the largest sense of the word—an unfolding, playful story of interaction and interchange. In intimate human relationships, there is intensity and fire, which provides a rush of energy for creative action. When this kind of union is unclear and imbalanced, as it is so often with people, the result is pain, mistrust, blame and destruction. It is like children playing with explosives; the unwise get burned, and that fire adversely affects children and anyone else near the blast zone.

As divine beings in human form, our interest is in right use of masculine and feminine energies. Love is the central expression of Father God and Mother God, which, for us, finds focus in men and women. Together, they reveal the fullness of love. Neither energy is better than the other; they are complementary parts of a whole. In the larger scheme, we are negative to what is higher—that which emerges through the heavenly realm—yet we are positive to the creation below, for which we are responsible. We play our parts—whatever they are—as active participants in the emerging design of God.

Our dominant energy, if expressed clearly, has a vibrational influence beyond ourselves. I notice that when I am with Joyce, I experience an increased tenderness and notice subtleties of beauty that I, as a man, might not otherwise appreciate in that way. It works the other way as well; a woman in the presence of a true man, may feel a greater sense of strength, of safety, and determination. We complement one another.

Few of us have had clear role models of Father God or Mother God. Without true guidance, relationships often traverse a rocky path of confusion, and even rejection. Without spiritual understanding, men, if they are honest, are often afraid of women, although they put up a good front, exerting domination and machismo. They fear the power of women’s emotions unbridled, out from their control, or of succumbing to the allure of feminine beauty. So, it is not a surprise that some cultures cover their women with cloth from head to toe, making them invisible and subservient. Over the years, even in the West, women have fought to be allowed to vote or hold office, or worship in the same way as men, who in their stupidity, have ignored the essential feminine input of collaboration, relying instead on blunt force and the world has suffered because of it.

Women, deprived of their voices, have become expert at manipulating men to get what they think they want. They may be disappointed if they succeed, for they take no pleasure in controlling men whom they then see as weak and childish. Women long for true partnership, a safe harbor, a man who sees them and cares for them, who offers them dignity and respect, and who hears them. This entire world in which we live is a woman’s home and her heart’s desire is to add beauty and wonder to it, to nurture children, including the varied life-forms of nature. Eve was said to be the mother of all living, so home is a very large place.

In this country, we have a presidential election on the horizon, where a man is running against a woman for high office, so we see male and female factors playing out in real time. The “fall,” as it is called, is when the heart’s desire rules a person’s actions and the mind goes along with it. This is repeated again and again by most people. They feel compelled to get things they think will make their lives better, regardless of life’s real direction and rhythms, and the mind rationalizes their actions. It has become so commonplace to act this way, it seems automatic, as if there were no other way to live. The saying, “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh,” (Mat. 12:34) could perhaps be altered to, “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mind thinketh.” This is wrong use of the heart and wrong use of the mind, and the result is chaos and rot in the world.

Given this confusion, human governments have lurched from patriarchies to matriarchies. The answer is not to swing back and forth between extremes, but to find balance and collaboration, according to the needs of spirit. The government of God is based on wholeness and balance.

There is an image in Revelation of a woman clothed with the sun. This, to me, is an apt symbol of divine radiance through the female, the mother, the bringer of life, keeper of home and heart. Likewise, we may imagine a man clothed with the sun: the positive aspect of God shining forth with integrity and clear leadership.

A true man stands tall, whether with a woman or not. A true woman also stands strong, whether with a specific man or not. Yet, we are meant to work together as co-creators. Thankfully, there are true men and women on earth now. Given the confusion of the world, this is quite remarkable and essential for the re-creation of the divine state on earth.

Joyce Krantz: I appreciate Larry’s opening statement, that the masculine/feminine energies are embodied in each of us, and are part of this wondrous cosmic dance of life which we have been called to, and privileged to be a part of on earth—always new, always changing, ever purposeful and engaging and never boring!

But to join in this cosmic dance of life one must hear the music first—the invisible, animating force of all creation. Inherent in this music is design and purpose, direction, flow, rhythm, harmony, controlled power and beauty. To step into this flow requires a turning/tuning and surrendering of the heart to its beauty and Presence.

For too long the human world has ignored this music and we have witnessed in our own lives and that of our fellow man the chaos, confusion and turmoil which ensues. Out of ignorance or willful disregard, human beings dance to their own self-interests and it is not a pretty picture; full of heartache and pain, stepping on each other’s toes, harming one another physically, emotionally and psychically, creating havoc and imbalances in the natural world we are supposed to tend and keep.

But that is not where my interest lies today, nor, I am sure, does yours. We are interested in the expression of the dance in the true Tone, the true music. What is integrating in our worlds? What do we see? What are these fine qualities of the masculine and feminine energies waiting to be translated into the realm of form through our dance? And how do they emerge? Well, Larry emphasized our capacities of mind and heart.

As a woman, the domain of the heart is primary in my field of expression. I have a beautiful mind too, but the qualities of the divine goddess/mother God carry more emphasis. There are more subtle nuances in the heart’s perception which involve the feeling realm: empathy, care, support, encouragement, comfort, inter-connection, creating beauty, nurturing life, fostering growth, balancing energies, guiding and uplifting, protecting and defending all life forms with great power, wisdom and truth. We have been well equipped to bless and restore this world. As a woman, I also carry the male energies—represented in my physical body with the hormones of male testosterone, as well as the female estrogen. What are some of these qualities? Vision, control, leadership, nobility, strength, courage, independence, achievement. My goodness, there is much available to us to bring balance within and without! Binding the sweet influences of the emotional realm takes loving control and attention so we don’t get pulled into anxiety or fear, jealousy or blame. We have vision to carry forward. Keep on keeping on!

I wonder how anything could get done if we each as human beings on earth, did not have both of these energies? The idea that, “Men are from Mars and women are from Venus,” and never the two shall meet, would probably be true if we did not have this built-in familiarity with both parts. How perfect that we do have both energies and how exquisitely designed they are for partnership in the dance! There is attraction, response and opportunity for union. But union at the highest and finest levels of our beings—this experience is communion, and from this vantage point, we discover our oneness…all is One. It is a perfect state.

Anything is possible when there is no desire to impede or limit that which is seeking to create anew. It’s futile anyway. The new wine, these finer essences, will not fit in the old bottles. And why would we insist on that!? We would be out of our mind—and that is probably a good way to describe the state of humanity at the moment: tone-deaf and insane!

We may ask, “Mankind, how is this working for you?” “I am miserable, sad and terribly lonely and there are a host of people to blame for my conditions (going back through time).” Well, stop! Stop complaining and blaming and take responsibility for your actions. Turn and listen deeply to the Tone and discover your true identity, not as a victim of circumstance but as a creator-being. This is the invitation extended to each of us and which now we extend it to others.

The music of the dance is exquisite—more beautiful than our hearts could even conceive, or hold at this time. But what we can contain is perfect for this moment as there is stillness of heart and openness of mind to let it appear. There is not a lot of effort or sweat of the brow involved in this. In fact, it involves the opposite—surrender, letting go of all the judgments, concepts and beliefs that have weighed us down as human beings and made living on earth a very tedious, difficult and complicated existence. Rise up, my love! And rising up we find all is well and here we are in this cosmic dance together, One—male and female in all its myriad forms.

Larry Krantz: We are not responsible for other people’s words, opinions, actions, or beliefs. People try to make others into what they think they should be. As angelic beings, we don’t need to control anyone or make demands on them, just be true to ourselves. In a relationship of any sort, we may set an example, offer suggestions when there is an opening, inspire through our living, but each person is a free agent; if it were not so, the Lord would have forcibly re-shaped us long ago; had that happened, we would not have free choice. Each person is a god-being in human form, whether they behave that way or not, and deserve respect, not necessarily for how they act, but for who they are, divinely speaking. Our living expression, if it reveals true manhood or womanhood, puts pressure on those in our creative field to remember who they are and what noble expression looks like.

A true man does not impose his will on anyone, especially a woman. He does not dominate and silence others and he does not fear feminine input, but welcomes it. Men carry an innate focus of logic and reason, attuned to the conscious mind. The mental realm of humanity is a convoluted maze of beliefs about God and government and social values, and the roles of men and women. On this basis, very little of the true intelligence of God, of the divine mind, comes through.

In the Book of Job mention is made of loosing the bands of Orion, which relates particularly to rigid male consciousness. It needs to be freed up, structures dissolved, so that men are open to the mind of God, to divine intelligence, which lights the mind with transcendent understanding. It is a terrible mistake to force things into some pre-existing structure. True understanding brings a clear sense of direction, in harmony with all that is.

Women may let emotions rule their lives, sometimes generating wild mood swings. Men have feelings as well, although they are less dominant; they have lusts and fears, but lack the subtle understanding of emotions that women have. In the world as it is, we may have uncomfortable feelings that would sway us this way or that, and the mind tends to go along. We should not deny what we feel, but put up guard rails so that feelings do not determine how we live. Divine control is needed. Feelings are a vital means of perception. They add color and depth to our worlds, but are not meant to push us around. A heart that is free has no designs on anyone or anything. Our feeling nature allows us to sense where the blessing of attunement is needed as part of our radiant service, to bring about balance and healing. The sweet influences of the Pleiades, a focus of the feminine spirit, must be bound by higher understanding, under the guidance of love. In the true state, there is balance between mind and heart, between the conscious and subconscious mind, and between men and women. We need each other to complement and to create. Masculine and feminine energies propel creativity and this is a delightful experience. We are meant to create together, to dance together.

Men clear the way, initiate cycles, and provide a protective space, in partnership with women. True men have an unbreakable connection with Father God and are unmoved by difficult circumstances or the enticements of this world. Men provide the solid ground upon which we stand. Divine leadership is never demeaning and condescending, but inclusive and uplifting, an invitation to join in the creative work of living.

Masculine and feminine energies should be offered freely, with no strings attached. True male/female relationships are like two tall trees, each independent, not leaning on each other, but complement each other’s worlds.

In the story of Adam and Eve, it was said they were afraid and ashamed before the Lord because they had forgotten their first love, their focus in the Lord. In this day, there is nothing stopping us from revealing our genuine Selves fully, without shame or fear.

Radiant living reveals divine authority and is joy unspeakable. Most people chase happiness. Who wants to feel miserable? Americans have enshrined the right to pursue happiness. So, people try to arrange things to make themselves happy, but when life brings change, as it always does, happiness based on externals evaporates, which then requires more chasing and more manipulation to try to make one feel better. Ups and downs. No stability, only uncertainty and anxiety.

When our identity is in our divine Selves, we experience the wonder of being and are no longer dependent on circumstances, how other people treat us, or how large or small our bank account is. Nothing is stopping us from revealing ourselves as men and women of integrity. When that is so, love flows through us and from us, and we know the heart of God. We see the intricate and exquisite nature of creation. It could be said that the ultimate sexual experience is union with Source.

We are not meant to be alone. The body of God has many members. We are made in the image of God, male and female, and this is a holy and sacred responsibility. True masculinity is very attractive to true women, and true femininity is very attractive to true men. We are designed to feel the currents of love, which is the nature of God. Attraction leads to response and then to union and unified radiation. Let us express our uniqueness as men and women, to the glory of God, in oneness of purpose, for we are one.

After comments…

Joyce Krantz: As a special treat, and an exquisite example of a man and woman moving together as one, we will show the video of Jayne Torville and Christopher Dean from one of their ice-dancing performances, to Ravel’s Bolero in 1984. Click Here

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