I am the Prayer

"When a high quality of character is present, including selflessness and attunement with what is above, then a spark of understanding lights the mind and heart."

by Christina Pivarnik and Larry Krantz
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Christina Pivarnik: It is always a joy to gather together in our true purpose, to bring forth radiance and love as a collective. Over the past few years, we’ve been participating in dialogues every other time we gather. During these times we’ve shared our hearts and the experiences of our daily lives to honor our deepest love for our Creator. There’s a fresh spirit of family that’s arisen among us—a new depth of love, laughter and lightness, welcoming all who gather to participate in this precious work we’ve come on earth to do. As a result, we’ve gotten to know one another better in our spiritual journeys together and the work we’re each doing to fulfill our spiritual mission. Such a gift!  

Two weeks ago, when Bill and Linda Bahan provided a focus for our dialogue, this was especially evident through the clear, heartfelt words spoken, music shared and even dancing! This time together now provides an opportunity to continue to build upon that substance. To that point, I’m delighted and honored to share this hour with Larry.

We dwell in the spirit of love, pure and simple. It’s good to acknowledge that. We are angelic beings of love and light having a human experience. As such, we view our worlds, our human lives, from a place in consciousness that’s not simply at the crossover point, but above it. Here is a heavenly place, untouched by human nature and the machinations of the human world. It’s a sacred place that we’ve come to consistently know as home, where we dwell in love with our Creator. It’s from this place, this consciousness, that letting go of human things is easy.

Every morning, the first thing I read in my email is the meditation that Suzanne Core sends out daily—a quote from Uranda. I’d like to share one from late January that’s meant a lot to me over these past weeks. 

“He who lets go is he who gives thanks to the Father for all things, no matter what they are, for he sees them as wonderful opportunities for radiating Love. He who lets go is he who is ready and willing to do perfectly that which is at hand to do in this instant, no matter how small or insignificant it may be. He who lets go is he who Loves to do all that he does, and the Love with which he does all things is the power that makes his expression sure and effective. The one way of love is love.” And later in the quote, “…and in Love all is perfection.”

I appreciate Uranda’s words and the spirit behind them because they invite me to look squarely at things in my life. What do I need to let go of and what am I hanging onto in the human world? Wants and desires have no place in spiritual living and experience. Nothing is sacred in the human world. Only in our heavenly consciousness do we find what’s sacred and true. 

I find it an opportunity to do spiritual spring cleaning. As with our homes, it is refreshing to clean out closets, pantries, garages, etc. and let go of stuff we don’t need or use any longer. I think the same is true for our spiritual home. Let’s let go of what isn’t needed.

I’ll share a rather personal experience I had years ago. When I was 30, my mom unexpectedly passed away. It was a shock, to say the least. She had raised me as a single mom, me an only child, and she’d given me everything she possibly could on all levels. I knew she loved me more than anyone else ever had.

The evening of her memorial service, I was lying in bed utterly exhausted from providing the focus for her service, handling all the details of her passing, and grieving hard. Before falling asleep, a royal purple vibrational blanket wrapped around me, offering peace and serenity. I recognized it as coming from her—it was her favorite color. In my mind’s eye, or from somewhere in the spirit world, a gorgeous young woman was giggling, laughing and dancing. Again, it was her in the spirit realm. She conveyed to me the essence of lightness, to not grieve for her EVER because she would always be with me and always love me throughout eternity. All was well and I needed to carry on. Everything would work out in my life if I always yielded to our Creator. And then the purple veil was lifted, my tears had evaporated and I woke up the next morning feeling much lighter. This experience transformed my grieving process to this day.

I know it sounds like an imaginary dream, but the reality of it is yet with me as I share this with you. It was my first experience of learning to let go and to give thanks to the Father for all things, including the human loss of my dear mother.

Whatever comes our way, we have this opportunity to truly let love radiate without concern for results. Truly—not just a saying that rolls off our tongues—to trust fully and completely in the creative process, no matter what. 

As some of you know, my husband has had some serious health issues the past few months, and I’ve been faced several times with the heart-wrenching question, “What if….” We imagine all sorts of “what ifs” in our lives, don’t we? But it doesn’t matter if emotions try to take over and let fear in. They can’t, because we know the truth. We know how to live in heaven and let go to God. We know the Cloud of Glory that prevails when we do. “In Love all is perfection.” This has been an ongoing experience for me in recent months on many levels. Perhaps some of you have been experiencing your own opportunities to let go.

Prayer has been on my mind lately and is an interesting thing to consider here. So often human beings look to God and pray for something they want. “Dear God, please let me be healed from….” Or, “Dear God, please let me win the lottery so I won’t have any more financial struggles.” Ha! A list could go on and on. How incredibly arrogant and ego-centric is human nature! 

But from this place of angelic consciousness, true prayer is the complete reversal from wanting anything. Prayer becomes God’s voice here on earth through each of us, allowing spiritual expression to be of the finest vibration, the finest substance of radiance pouring into each of our creative fields. I am the prayer. This is Love’s perfection. It brings us to a new place of refinement and clarity in our lives, being ever careful and thoughtful about the quality of expression in our creative fields. 

“The one way of love is Love,” as Uranda said, and it’s our privilege and mission while we’re here on earth to let this be our reality, our expression in everything we do and say. What a joy! What a privilege and sacred responsibility. Let us be wise in our daily living, alert to offer kindness and a helping hand as needed, to speak from our place of heavenly, angelic consciousness and know truly that in Love all is perfection.

Larry Krantz: Prayer, as it is generally known, is very childish: people begging an imaginary God to do something for them. We’ve had it backwards. We are not here to cajole God or plead with God to act; we are responsible for bringing God’s love into the world. We are the prayer; we are the means of divine action on earth.

This is a propitious time. Cycles and factors have led us to this moment when we have the opportunity to make a difference. Mankind fell from union with God and was lost and bereft. We descended into an animalistic, survival mode. It has been a long journey upward. Two millennia ago, the Master opened the way for us to come back to divine remembrance. Not many heard him. The path was cleared, but few walked it. Many of those gathered today have had the privilege of experiencing the clarity of Uranda and of Martin Exeter. They spoke about, and demonstrated, how to be spiritually mature in every circumstance.

 These days, we have billions of people on earth. This is useful. If even a small percentage can awaken, that is quite a few, relatively speaking—likely millions who seek true identity and purpose. Technology is also helpful in this awakening, including instant communication, as we have now on Zoom, seeing our faces, hearing our voices, able to commune from many places on the planet. The table is set for us. 

This is a time of revelation, of things coming to the surface, into the light, to be unmasked. It may seem messy and chaotic. Long-held constraints are dissolving. We see cruelty and crudeness on open display, but also selflessness and grace. People have a choice. Are we going to rise up into noble expression, or dive down into the muck? The lid is lifted and all kinds of shocking things bubble up to the surface, to be seen as they are.

The human body is incredibly complex and marvelous. Our physical forms reveal the divine pattern, holographically; each part is a representation of the cosmic design. For example, our brains are composed of nerves, or neurons, that more or less float in a matrix, supported by cells called astrocytes. “Astro” refers to stars, as in the word, astronomy. Astrocytes look like little starbursts, which are pretty cosmic. The brain has about 100 billion neurons. Our home galaxy, the Milky Way, has about 100 billion stars. So, we carry a miniature replica of the galaxy inside our skulls! Think about that. 

Also, the nerve pathways that make the right side of the body work, cross over to the left side of the brain. Likewise, the left side crosses to the right side of the brain. If the head is symbolic of heaven and the body of earth, then there is a literal crossover point between the two, which is how things work spiritually. I find this fascinating—holographic representations in our own bodies

The transcendent reality of the inner realms pass through a crossover point to stimulate change in the outer world. How does it happen? A pulsation emanates from the higher realm of being, in harmony with all that is, to further the larger purpose of being. That pulsation seeks a corresponding point of resonance in an intermediary substance; if found, a vibratory influence brings change in the realm of form. If there is no resonant substance, as is so often the case in the human world, then the magic does not happen. An opportunity for creative action is lost. The divine impulse is subverted or dissipates.

This intermediate substance is generated by living. Even rocks are alive, in their own way. Humans are meant to play an essential role in the cosmic design and should have the fine substance to consciously translate the will of God into action. When a high quality of character is present, including selflessness and attunement with what is above, then the spark of understanding lights the mind and heart. If a person is ruled by externals, the connection between what is higher and human awareness is not possible. This is why people invent purposes, but it is never enough. Out of step with spirit, people are in the wrong place at the wrong time, doing the wrong thing. It is spiritual ignorance and leads to unfortunate results and chaos. 

When sufficient fine substance is available, divine intelligence lights up human understanding. Transcendent knowing emerges in the moment, and is exactly what is needed. A guiding hand lets us see an array of creative choices that fit perfectly. It is an uplifting experience. 

Generally, from earliest childhood, we are immersed in ways to manipulate our worlds, to make us appear better in the eyes of other people and maneuver them to get us what we think we want. It is so ingrained, we do not realize we construct an ego, a false front, a façade. Extreme examples of manipulation and deceit are laughable, like a vote-seeking politician or a used car salesman. This is the way of ignorance. Some use force to get what they want—bullying and intimidation, or marching armies to make people do what they want.

Those who awaken spiritually let go of the drama and foolishness of the external world. For most, this is a challenge. There are so many controversial topics to pull us in, and people pour their life forces into opinions about politics and wars in diverse places, and women’s rights, and whether Taylor Swift fixed the Super Bowl; the list goes on. Add to that conspiracy theories that plunge a person into dark holes, where they find others who think as they do, which enforces their view. It is a colossal energy drain of life substance.  

We cannot forget our first love. The things that seem so important to most people are really inconsequential. We move in the direction of our response. If that is downward, that is where we go. If we look upward, we are attracted to the noble qualities of divine expression and kindness, and we ascend in consciousness. Attraction leads to response and then to union, which fosters a shift in identity. We realize we are much more than the little human form we thought ourselves to be, but are divine beings in human form. In right identity, we look down, so to speak, and act with transcendent understanding.

Malachi was the last of the prophets of the Old Testament. He foresaw the coming of the Master about four or five centuries beforehand, as did the prophet, Daniel, a century previously. Malachi described the coming of this One as the rising of the Sun of righteousness with healing in his wings—a lovely image. He spoke of bringing a refiner’s fire, as used to refine silver or gold. Heat must be applied if impurities are to be removed. Let the fire of love burn away what does not belong, for what is right and true will remain.

A verse from Malachi, chapter three, is something of a divine formula. It succinctly tells us how to function correctly. It has a premise and a resolution—if you do this, then such-and-such will happen. I have made some modifications for purposes of clarity.  

Here it is: Bring all your tithes into the storehouse of the Lord, that there may be meat in my house. “Tithes” means offering your finest, your treasure, to the Lord. Not 20 percent or 50 percent, or even 90 percent. All your tithes. Your entire focus of living. This is the premise. Then there’s the resolution: and I will open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing, such that there will not be room enough to receive it.

We, our true Selves, are poured out. Our presence, our eternal wisdom and unique talents move from the higher levels of being through a connecting point, and pour into the world. We are the blessing, the prayer, a radiant expression of divine authority. Windows should be transparent. They are not useful if covered with mud and dirt. A clear window lets light shine forth. That happens when the human ego dissolves. Our outer selves become transparent, and our divine presence shines in radiant expression. 

 When we are consistent in right living, fine substance builds around us, as if we are enclosed in a protective bubble. The radiance of being goes forth and does what it needs to do. It rearranges our world, draws in the people and factors we need for divine purposes, and pushes away what should not be close in. No muss or fuss; no mental gymnastics required. Action is done by letting. It is easy and natural. When our human self knows divine purpose and understanding, it is a joyful and fulfilling experience. Spirit is 100 percent reliable. This is how we are meant to live, in oneness of purpose with what is higher. 

We release the interferences and distractions and let spirit do the work. That is the magic of creation. Let is the creative command. We speak through the substance of spirit. Let there be light. And it was. And it is.

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