"I find there's almost always a window into the minds of children and young adults that's open to illumination."

by Christina Pivarnik, Pamela Gray and Steve Ventola
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Christina Pivarnik: It’s always a pleasure to be together. Yesterday was Earth Day, a time set apart to celebrate and take care of this beautiful planet where we live. Almost 200 countries participated in various activities. Launched in 1970, it’s considered the largest secular observance in the world with around a billion people participating, all with a focus on the earth. Think of that—a billion people, all focusing on nurturing and taking care of the earth. I find that very significant. In addition, national parks and many state parks offered a day without fees.

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"Our job as human beings is to be creators. At the center of this is thinking. To think is a creative act."

by Bill Isaacs
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I recently visited Las Vegas, Nevada. Coming from the east, you fly over Lake Mead. Lake Mead is in trouble. Its condition is very apparent from the air. There is a large and evident gap between where the water level used to be and where the water level is now. Surrounding the lake are layers of exposed rock that were previously under water. Ribbons of color snake around the perimeter, tracing the contours of the rock strata beneath, each layer a different hue of red, brown, and yellow: its hidden past uncovered.

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"We are among those who keep the home fires burning, extending the invitation in our living to come home"

by Suzanne Core and Laura Fisher
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Suzanne Core: Good morning, angels. What a cast of the heavenly host is present together this morning! Special greetings to the group gathered in Texas. It’s good to be together, to let the tone of life resound through us into our world and our earth—from the earth of our bodies to the earth of our planetary home.

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"Love is the force that holds the cosmos together, and draws people together. This is how we know God, by the evidence of what spirit brings forth, which includes compassion and joy."

by Joyce Krantz and Larry Krantz
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Larry Krantz: Welcome everyone to our Sunday morning gathering. In a collective such as this, we can accomplish much more spiritually than we can as separate individuals. There is an exponential leap in the radiance released by reason of our agreement, as long as those concerned are on tone. Of course, people agree about all kinds of things, even acts of destruction, but if it isn’t in the flow of the tone of life, then there is little spiritual potency; it’s kind of flat, just a re-hashing of the old human state. When there is agreement in the tone of life and active spiritual substance available, a current moves out to uplift the consciousness of humanity, to inspire an awakening to the truth. Today, we can spark a remembrance of our divine heritage and inherent glory.

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"It's not an ordinary time, Not an ordinary time at all. It's a time for heroes..."

By Pamela Gray, Bill Bahan, Linda Bahan, John Gray
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Pamela Gray:It is wonderful to be together on this auspicious New Year 2023. Last night and today, around the world, wishes of good health and good luck have been toasted with hopes of a year of peace and prosperity, but for many people it’s clouded with uncertainty. Well, how great to gather today and sound a different tone! A tone of assurance and trust. I asked Chris Foster if I could read a poem of his that speaks to the current world situation, but more importantly, it speaks to our responsibility to shine the light of assurance and trust. I invite you, as I’m reading the poem, to join in a vibration of love throughout the world.

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