by Larry Krantz
We come together today to present ourselves before the Most High in this holy setting, and to let clarification come in our life expression. As more light shines through us, there is more light in the world.
Recently we considered the opening words from the 24th Psalm: The earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof. This speaks of ownership. To bring it down to cases, I own an automobile—at least according to the state of Colorado; my name is on the title. I also am part owner of a house. My name, along with Joyce’s, is on the deed. I have a physical body that came with a mind and emotional realm. Most people say, “This is my life, I can do with it as I want.” On that basis, many people abuse their bodies and misuse their minds and hearts for selfish and even harmful purposes. But if we accept that the earth is the Lord’s, then we own nothing in this outer world, not even our own human bodies. We are lease holders. There is a landlord—a Land Lord—to whom we are responsible. So, we rightly care for what is given into our hands, and diligently stay in alignment with the One who is the true owner. We represent him in his world and act accordingly.
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