"Humanly speaking, we’re a motley crew with all manner of foibles and shortcomings and odd histories. Notwithstanding, just above all that is the evidence of the presence of the individual Eminent One. Each one’s greatness shines round about. Let us see one another truly this way! "

Courtesy Alexandra Barbu - dreamstime.com

by John Gray
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I long ago came to understand that true greatness is absolute, not relative. You’ve probably realized this as well. To illustrate, though, think of an important leader or mentor you’ve known personally, someone whose greatness you admire, even love. Did his or her greatness make you somehow lesser? No, not if your mentor is or was the genuine article. In my experience, my spiritual mentor’s manifestation of greatness inspired me to know mySelf—his example helped evoke the transcendent Me in my experience. To be sure, I perceived him as greater, but at the same time I was and am not lesser. This is a mentally impossible yet true condition! I see and I love others’ greatness—in fact, I feel in awe of your spiritual stature! Seeing You doesn’t make me less Me, however—we are each absolute. Mutually seen and acknowledged true greatness is the foundation that makes possible immutable trust and friendship, something that is then known to simply be. We don’t need to profess and talk about it.

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