"I abide in a place of stillness, a mansion of silence which is not empty, but filled with expectation, potential, and promise. "

by Larry Krantz
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I would share an experience I had many years ago. When I was in ninth grade, a freshman in high school, I took the bus to and from school. I often sat with my friend Jill, who was quite attractive, a year older, and somewhat artsy—all of which intrigued me. We enjoyed each other’s company. One time, on the long ride home there was a fellow sitting in the seat in front of us who was a senior, and also the running back on the football team. He was a big muscular guy and, as I was about to find out, something of a bully with a mean streak. He turned around and grabbed Jill’s purse, searched through it, came up with a can of hairspray, and sprayed it in her face, a nasty thing to do.

 I felt a bit protective and said, “Hey, man. That’s not cool.” His response was to haul off and punch me in the mouth hard enough to push my two front teeth back. They have been like that since, a memento of that day on the school bus.

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"What was, doesn’t seem to fit now in the same way. Traditions, beliefs, customs are all up for review, rightly so, because life is a continual flow."

Dawn's First Light

by Suzanne Core, Joyce Krantz and Christina Pivarnik
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Suzanne Core: Good morning, everyone; and good afternoon and maybe good evening. It is a joy to be together, to shine the light together, into our worlds.

Two weeks ago, Bill Isaacs talked about stature and also about humility. His words on humility caught my ear. I want to speak a bit about stature and humility. The first thing I did was look up the word humility in the Bible. There are a number of places where the word appears, but my favorite are these words of the Master: “Take my yoke upon you and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest…. For my yoke is easy” and I’m carrying the light!

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