by Pamela Gray and John Gray
Pamela Gray: Two weeks ago, we shared an exquisite hour with Christina and Sanford honoring the majestic kingdom of animals. We appreciate that one spirit is present in all forms of creation. The kingdoms of the earth naturally give glory to their creator; they proudly display their unique beauty and fulfill the purposes for which they were created. They instinctively rise to loving human touch, whether it’s in person or vibrationally, as in a gathering like ours now. Whatever our topic of consideration, we extend care and stewardship. This is what provides balance for our planet: the healing power of love and unity.
In appreciation for the majesty of nature I would like share images my lens has captured of their gifts, so freely given. Let’s relax with these photos accompanied by music and lyrics by Libera. I invite us all to welcome this opportunity for radiation to the earth and all its forms of life.
[ Slideshow by Pamela Gray, accompanied by “I Am the Day” by Libera ]
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