"Let the old state pass away that the resonant, divine state may appear. We are creators, and we know how to create together. That is the way of love, which draws everything into oneness. "

by Larry Krantz
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It is vital that we learn to work together creatively. We live in unprecedented times, as evidenced by a population of over seven-and-a-half billion people on the planet, which has never happened before, nor has the impact all these people are having on our planet and the environment. Add to that the coronavirus, which affects everyone, and the recent social and political upheavals, including violence at the U.S. Capitol and a change of American presidents set to take place in a few days. Perhaps these disturbances give indication of the tide going out on human nature. But that alone does not accomplish what is needed. There must be an incoming tide of spiritual awareness, a new state to replace the old state. In this, we have a particular responsibility.

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“Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.”

Leonard Cohen - courtesy Istvan Bajzat/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images

by Bill Isaacs
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I am here in my father’s house. He passed away a month ago today. There has been an extensive process of clarification unfolding as a result in me, among my close-in family, and in many hundreds of others who were impacted by him. It is quite remarkable to see the impact of one person’s life expression, dimensions of which sometimes only emerge after a person has passed away. The effects ripple out far and wide, in time and in space. Transitions like this widen our lens of perception.

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