An artist’s concept of Kepler-186f, the first validated Earth-size planet to orbit a distant star in the “habitable zone.”
Credit... T. Pyle/NASA Ames/JPL-Caltech
by Sanford Baran
Here in the U.S. it’s been a fairly quiet week with not much really happening!
All kidding aside, apart from the national election, which has been all-consuming for many, I thought I would do a scan of the universe and see if anything else of note was going on.
As you might be aware, the universe is believed to be expanding—and has been since the Big Bang. I was curious—how much did the universe expand this last week? So, using what is known as the Hubble Constant I did a quick back-of-the-envelope calculation and estimated that the outer reaches of the universe expanded by 110 billion miles in all directions, just last week. Not bad for a measly seven days’ worth of work. And to my knowledge the universe didn’t break a sweat. Sounds like expanding the universe is a lot easier than counting ballots!
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