"The cosmos is like a hologram, so the secrets of the universe are close at hand, and there is no need to poke through moon rocks to try to solve the mysteries of the universe. We need look no further than our own human forms, made in the image of God; they align with universal principles and reveal how the cosmos functions."

by Aaron Malin, Suzanne Core and Larry Krantz
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Aaron Malin: Well hello everyone. Larry approached me a few months ago about presenting with him on Father’s Day. This is a pretty special day for me personally but also for many men around the world. This is the day that we honor fatherhood in all its forms and for those of you who may not have children, you may also express the qualities of fatherhood. Mentorship is something that is very powerful in my life and is one aspect of fatherhood. This morning I want to share a bit of my journey as a father. I was born in 1971 in British Columbia, Canada. My parents were a part of a spiritual community that had a center in the Kamloops area. From there my family moved to a small family farm in Wisconsin that was also affiliated with the same spiritual community.

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"The root of the word 'accord' means heart. To be of one accord together is to be of one heart."

by Jack Jenkins, Pamela Gray and John Gray
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Jack Jenkins: Welcome, everyone, to Brenda’s and my home here in British Columbia, and welcome to my music studio. This is a sanctuary, so take your shoes off.

I’m not here to entertain you. I’m not here to be critiqued.  I am inviting you to share with me today a different way of listening to music. I ask you to help me compose a piece I’m going to improvise. The purpose of what we’re doing is to provide a setting for something else. I will be improvising over a piece of music that Maryliz Smith composed. It is on one of her CDs and it’s appropriately entitled, “The Beautiful One.” The purpose for our gathering this morning is to entertain the Beloved.

Please participate with me in what is to now unfold.  (Jack performed on his cello. Listen to the “The Beautiful One.”)

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