“COME, said the Muse, sing me a song no poet yet has chanted, Sing me the Universal.”

by Sanford Baran

The following meditation was created as a soundscape, an audio essay comprised of recorded music interspersed with some spoken words. It was presented during our May 24th, 2019 Tone of Life teleconference. I invite you to listen and touch the power and magic of spirit as it reveals its universal nature through musical form.  I also invite you to sound that tone yourself, to sing the universal in all of your moments.

Listen to the soundscape   (It runs about 36 minutes)

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by Kate Isaacs and Bill Isaacs
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Kate Isaacs: Happy Mother’s Day to all of us who are mothers, who are daughters, who are grandmothers, who are aunts and sisters, and to all of the dads and grandfathers and uncles and brothers and sons who are connected with us.

It is a time of pressure and transition in the world, on this Mother’s Day, which has thrown me personally into a period of blankness and newness. I find that I don’t have much to say in the old ways on many things about which I used to have a lot to say. It is an uncomfortable feeling, and one that is not unfamiliar, having been through a number of transitions in my life. I want to say a few words today about transition, from a personal place, and since it is Mother’s Day, about what my children have taught me about transition. They are great teachers. And they are unrelenting teachers. They keep teaching you the lesson until you get it. 

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