"Why are we moved by beauty, a song, by an act of kindness? It is because this is in essence and character who we are."

Photo by Nicola Pohl, Bloomington, Indiana, 2019

by Volker Brendel
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Louis Armstrong – What A Wonderful World (Original Spoken Intro Version)

Welcome everyone to this wonderful world! I very much appreciate that old favorite song, first performed many decades ago. On first impression, the song might seem to convey a very simple, maybe naïve message. But as we lift our eyes, we must agree that this is a wonderful world. This recognition is particularly easy in the springtime if you are in a nice setting; birds are singing, flowers are bursting forth, life is in full evidence.

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"Planet Earth is alive. It has Presence and that Presence has a body, a mind, and a feeling nature with all of the associated energies and substance."

by Chris Jorgensen and John Gray
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Chris Jorgensen: Greetings to everyone on this Easter morning. It is a delight for me to be a guest speaker with my friend John Gray on this celebratory day. Easter is a time of renewal and ascension.

We are living in a time of transition, moving from one state of awareness and experience into another state. Many individuals see the changes in their lives as making progress. This idea shows itself in different arenas. In school, one is making progress as you move from grade to grade towards graduation. There are times in a social sense that a person is making progress if they move to a better neighborhood and a different class of people. Something similar can be said of economics, science and technology. Even in the spiritual arena, people who undertake various workshops and seminars for self-improvement, tend to think of their spiritual training as making progress—I am becoming a better person!

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