"What does one do about climate change? In a nutshell one first changes one’s own atmosphere, the climate within which you live, the quality of the field in which you function."

by Bill Isaacs
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Try this thought experiment: Imagine you are in a great building. You look up to see a vast ceiling that seems to reach to the stars. Corridors spread out in every direction. Light streams in. There’s a rich, warm and recognizable atmosphere in this place. It is immense. To call this a building is somehow strange, because it is unlike any other you have ever seen, but the term is also somehow apt. You realize you’re in the halls of a great court, the court of a great King. You know where you are.

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"Divine memory carries with it wisdom and an understanding that surpasses any human philosophy."

by Joyce Krantz and Larry Krantz
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Joyce Krantz: The act of breathing comes to mind as we gather today—an in-breath of spirit has drawn us all together in this moment to provide a focus for the nature and purpose of Being. And the outbreath of spirit expands the truth moving through our consciousness for blessing to the whole.

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