"The difference between knowledge and partial knowledge can be the difference between life and death. How do we know that we know?"

by Volker Brendel
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As we went through our usual roll call, the thought occurred to me that everyone is needed. Nobody is here to be entertained, nobody is here to be participating casually. There is something very specific to be done, and I suspect Life itself put the right team together. It is always with great thanks in my heart hearing you and seeing you and admiring the team that has been put together. I think we often acknowledge that there is an intelligence in the universe that is far larger than our minds, and this intelligence is weaving a tapestry of immense beauty and great functionality. It is our privilege to participate consciously in this and with great confidence contribute into this larger whole and its purposes. Acknowledging that everyone is needed and is here for a purpose, I also feel that there is a continuity of our meditations, which is incredibly valuable.

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"Nothing changes until I act in alignment with the image and likeness of what I Am, until I bring my consciousness into that place."

by Kate Isaacs and Bill Isaacs
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Kate Isaacs: It’s a pleasure to be here today with you all. I would like to speak about the topic of creative fields for divine technology. I was really taken by Larry Krantz’s talk a couple of weeks ago about the state of our world and the many ecological problems that we face. I’ve spent my entire professional life working on environmental policy and technology issues in business. What came to me to speak about today was the possibilities and problems with technologies that human beings have brought into our world.

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