"Humanity is being carried by great winds across the sky. And yet our direct conscious participation in this flow has been spotty at best. It is up to us to break the deception of this false state and be transformed into one that is real and reveals an inner Truth."

Goethe - German poet and scientist

Goethe - German poet and scientist

by Bill Isaacs
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A few moments ago, I watched as several stuffed animals walked themselves up the stairs in our home. We have two little boys who were endeavoring to see what would happen if they put their stuffed animals on the stairs with some Cheerios for fuel, stepped away, and then came back a few minutes later. Would the animals actually move up? Amazingly enough, it turns out they do! This became a subject of great fascination and delight and will no doubt be something we discuss for many days to come. How did they move?

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"One of you is the Messiah. This was told to members of a failing monastery and sparked them to enliven their character, with life-giving results."

by John Gray
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You may be familiar with the story, The Rabbi’s Gift.  It’s a fable said to be of unknown origin.  I was reminded of it recently and looked it up. The version I’m about to read is a synopsis drawn from the writings of M. Scott Peck:

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"We are here to bring order out of chaos, as an essential link in the divine machinery."

by Larry Krantz

A friend who knew I would be speaking this morning reminded me to have fun. That is good advice, which I pass along to all of you. The world is a mess—some say on the verge of destruction—and trying to do something about it is serious business. Yet, just being alive, in human form, is a miracle. We can see colors and taste food and have creative conversations and enjoy the glory of a sunset. We may be thankful for many things. And, that lightens the load and makes the heart merry. Life is to be enjoyed.

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